*Puck* profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Rather have a conversation MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

riding my bike through traffic explosions black and red night walks desert sunrise paint camping conversations worth length making stuff teaching remembering to breath matte biting music mixes flight the sound of fire in motion playgrounds the wink of a smile and hint in the eye reading hiding in coffee shops my kitties shiny things sake tattoos crushes care packets color crisp air in my lungs


Tom Waits Pixies Nekromantix Prefuze 73 CocoRosie Nick Drake Gogol Bordello Fire the Cannons The Sonics Clinic The Dresden Dolls Iron and Wine Mutaytor Eels Ministry Utah Phillips Straitjacket The Books The Hatchet Wounds Yeah Yeah Yeah's Dead Man's Hand Joy Division Revolting Cocks My Revenge Looper Superargo The Cramps The Gallows Amon Tobin Joanna Newson Morphine...mmmmmmixes.


Titus Freeway City of Lost Children Delicatessen Dummy Secretary Once Were Warriors Angel Baby Princess Mononoke Totoro Allegria Lawn Dogs Clue Stalker City of God Willow Fight Club Amelie Lost Boys Snatch Boonedock Saints Labrinth


Glad I sold it.


The Risk Pool by Richard Russo (dad's current favorite author)


All my friends who are chasing down their dreams with full heart and full force There are too many to name

My Blog

Man the towers and ready your bows

I'm on Fedex look out. On a porch that reaks of piss.Cat piss to be specific. We got our one rain storm (complete with hail) for the next six months and it loosened up all the cat piss that the neighb...
Posted by *Puck* on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 10:53:00 PST

Reasurance for Concerned Viewers

In reference to my previous post, Jeremy just called. My bike is at the shop. The wheel may be lost but the frame will be just fine. I can start breathing again.
Posted by *Puck* on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 10:56:00 PST

Puck needs a boyfriend - FAKE subs

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO_IFydKvXA ...
Posted by *Puck* on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:44:00 PST

New Address

As of May 1st Jeremy and I will have a new apartment and address. Send me a note if you want the address.
Posted by *Puck* on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 11:40:00 PST

Pixie and Jonah

The majority of my photo's were taken by my friend's Pixie and Jonah.  Please visit their websites for more pictorial joy. Pixie at http://pixievisionproductions.com/ and Jonah Kessel at http://k...
Posted by *Puck* on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 11:27:00 PST

Pulp Magazine

Pulp Magazine published a 12 pager featuring Pixie's Burning Man photos and an article. It's in issue #52 out now and has been approved by BMORG.  One of Pixie's photo's of me was included i...
Posted by *Puck* on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 08:05:00 PST

Katsuya Terada

I had the honor of attending his first art show in the US about two years back.  I'm forever in awe. http://www.catsuka.com/focuson_bdillus.php?id=terada_katsuya &page=2...
Posted by *Puck* on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 07:52:00 PST