cards, chips, hotel rooms, bacon, vegas, airplanes, sofas, rental cars, skateboards, new york, blondes, fighting terrorism, soccer, taxis, los angeles, redheads, paper shredders, london, rock-n-roll, brunettes, chucks, atlantic shitty, big dogs, backwood smokes, small islands in the baltic, grilling a rib eye
72 brazilian virgin supermodels in a ridiculously lavish palace full of red-topped poker tables, unlimited amount of cuban cigars (with actual Cubans there to roll them fresh), poodle-juggling midgets (don't ask), and red bull flowing from the fountains to keep you awake, or to bathe in, which has yet to be tried but all indications suggests it could be refreshingly enjoyable, especially if the virgins were game.
Girls who can rock the look-from-behind pose.
dirty rock n roll, a lil bit of soul and the sound of the commerce on a friday night
consensus would be any movie by Fellini or Payne, plus any B-movie starring an actor who was at one time an A-list actor but has fallen from both grace and their previous socio-economic stature. but really, whatever. you choose.
late night Danish television
are paper weights? door stops? things to step on to reach high places?
Firemen + Cheerleaders