EvEry moVe i MaKe iS MAJOR..theRefoRe nO miNoR SeTBacKs....i'M a moTiVaTed pErsOn..inTeresTed iN oNLy maKin bEttEr oF MyseLf....BeiNg brOke is ChiLdiSh...aNd i'm quiTe groWn. OftEn miStaKen foR beiNG coCky...buT i'M juST seLf-aSsertiVe. I'm VeRy aMbitiOus aNd Don'T seTTLe foR LeSS by aLL mEans....oNce u GeT to Know Me...u ReaLizE thAt i'M a EVEn BeTTeR peRsoN on thE inSide....aLwaYs staY trUe to ThoSe whO stAy trUe to mE....enOuGh saiD
Myspace LayoutsLook out for my new show & DvD called: "On Tha Spot"
Produced by: Two First Productions.