About Me
MY glass is always half full - and thats the way i like it.
Im shelley, usually shel, sometimes shelbee but never michelle.
im nice, a fab drunk and if your my friend, ill love you always but shit on me and the friendship will be gone like a buble - forever. i have a crap memory and will never remember you phone number or birthday. i have a phobia of pigeons, i love my dog and family lots.
i dont like sand much but would happily go on trip to the beach as long as i can wash the sand from my toes.
im an plane geek but thats what make me unique.
i can make amazing marmite on toast and have my tea very milky and with not quite one sugar.
i cant cook very well but thats ok cause i can live on tea and toast in my little two up two down terrace house.Thats me.