Ripple profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I was born on October 9, 2000 on a Mennonite farm in Mint Springs, Va. I share a birthday with John Lennon, Jackson Browne and my owner, the Hotshotwhitegirl. When I met my owner for the first time, I crawled up her leg and sat on her head. She took me home immediately. I screamed most of the way home and she started to get annoyed so she put some music on to drown me out. The song Ripple came on and I liked it so I stopped and listened, hence my name. My last name is Fantasy (because of the Traffic song). When she got me I smelled like tomato juice because I had recently gotten in a slight argument with a skunk, but I won so it's OK. Now, I generally smell like a stuffed teddy bear but sometimes I smell like hotdogs and toothpaste (although I don't know why). I was originally supposed to be a mouser but I got stuck behind the fridge on the first night I was home. In our current place, I thought I smelled a mouse in the closet and was rooting around looking for it while my owner was trying to find a pair of shoes. I guess I got so distracted by the smell, I didn't notice the mouse walk across my face and then run down my body and escape. So, my life as a mouser ended. But, I've made up for it by being the best bug/spider catcher in town. I'm a regular Orkin Man! I like being outside but it can't be too hot or too cold or too sunny or too rainy. I tool around on a leash because I don't have front claws (I "accidentally" de-carpeted an entire house and shredded her fave chair in one day and she flipped out but I forgave her a LONG time ago). We have lots of birds in our neighborhood and I enjoy sitting in the window sill in the sun watching them play in the trees. We had a bat once in the house and I had fun chasing it around but I got too excited and woke up my owner and the bat bitch-smacked her in the face. The nice girl with one arm who lives down the street came over and got the bat for us (although it was pretty funny to watch my owner run around the house with a stick, wearing swim googles and screaming at the bat). I am very defensive of my owner and when she brings a new guy home, I generally don't like them so I stomp on their crotches while they are sleeping. hee hee. The Boy is nice though and he smells like cats too. Life is pretty good for me. I have everything I could ever want. A warm bed (although my owner claims it belings to her), a comfy futon, lots of food and water, hugs and kisses, tummy rubs,a clean litter box and endless amounts of important papers to eat.
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My Interests

lounging, coughing up furballs, sleeping on my owner's face and on the boy's stomach (his snoring makes me laugh). playing hockey and fetch. I like stomping on the computer keyboard and listening to the noises it makes. Space heaters are super, so are fuzzy blankets. Tornadoes and hurricanes are nice too. Smelling things I've never smelled before, cheese, turkey, salmon, playing with dredlocks (even though the boy cut his off last year as a birthday present to the girl), eating bugs and taunting spiders, following the sun around the house, screaming for no reason, stomping on sensitive body parts, purring, tummy rubs, chewing on my toes and licking my butt

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and Everyone! Cats, dogs, birds, people. I don't care. I like them all


I like most music. I don't like Emo or Country. My favorite bands are The Grateful Dead, Traffic, Neil Diamond, Parliment and The Thompson Twins. Although I've never heard alot of it, I enjoy Latin Trip-Hop. Bette Midler, The Monkees, Led Zepplin. I'm not too picky


Casablanca, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, anything with Al Pacino or Angela Lansbury


Whatever my owner is watching. I do like Law and Order and CSI, Animal Planet (although I don't have cable right now) and Tidy Cat commercials


I enjoy eating any book my owner is reading. Especially ones from the library because I think its funny that she has to pay replacement fees on them all. I'm currently eating a good one called A History of Private Life.

My Blog


OK. So, for months I've been trying to hang with  these local strays that are always chilling on my front porch. Well, last night, it was very hot in the house and the girl let me go outside on m...
Posted by Ripple on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 09:56:00 PST

My week so far...

Well, it’s Wednesday. The humans call it hump day. This week has been pretty interesting here. The boy’s cat returned. I don’t really know Sampson but he’s like a step-brother ...
Posted by Ripple on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 03:48:00 PST

I’ve been reprimanded!!

The humans are very frugal people (I call them stingy but whatever). The girl is an absolute dictator when it comes to the thermostat. The house is always around 70 degrees and I think that is jsut to...
Posted by Ripple on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 05:27:00 PST

Full of myself

The other night, I was feeling very full of myself and decided to play tricks on the humans! I kept going up to the boy and acting like I wanted kisses and then when he was less than an inch from me, ...
Posted by Ripple on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 05:20:00 PST

Tricks and no treats

So, I've been hearing about the Trick and Treat thing the humans do for the Halloween. I decided that I would play tricks on them so they'd give me extra treats. Yesterday morning, I patiently laid i...
Posted by Ripple on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 05:24:00 PST

I’m plotting my revenge

The stupid redheaded girl put a light wool blanket on the bed yesterday. I think she's doing the "jonesing" for the Fall. Anyway, I was laying in the bed taking a nap last night and she started rubbin...
Posted by Ripple on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 01:42:00 PST

Stupid Fridge

So, the girl cleaned out the fridge recently. I thought maybe she was looking for some turkey or something to give me as a treat because I'm so perfect (joking). I went over and stood in front of the ...
Posted by Ripple on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 11:05:00 PST


So, this was a very strange weekend. Friday, the humans made a "romantic" dinner consisting of shrimp and stuff. I didn't get any shrimp! Whatever. They seemed to like it though. Saturday started out ...
Posted by Ripple on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 05:26:00 PST

Nippin’ in the moonlight

The humans were slightly bored late Saturday evening and decided to bring out the nip and give me some. Well, you know how it is with the nip. A small amount is never eough. When they were not looking...
Posted by Ripple on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 05:19:00 PST

Hippie Fest

I don't know if anyone has heard of the Camp Barefoot but the 2nd one was this past weekend and my humans went. I think they had a good time. The boy got hit in the face with a frisbee (ha ha ha) and ...
Posted by Ripple on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 05:24:00 PST