j fab profile picture

j fab

I am here for Serious Relationships

About Me

experience life as it is. go with the flow. create new experiences and adventures every day. experiment with your talents. lose then find yourself every chance u get. drink plenty of water. feel. remember. love. be aware. be determined. be positive. be. dont think just do. call your mom every once and awhile dammit. eat fastfood. eat slowfood. eat blowfish. eat with your mouth closed. get a new car. treat yourself all the time, it'll make u feel better. change what u can. determination. make decisions. weigh out solutions. youve started the rest of your life. now imagine yourself on your death bed. are u happy with your life? we're only 23 once. same with 24. find love. find your dreams. find your wallet (or purse). find out what you want. find out what youre good at. find out when the movie starts. be excellent to each other. all systems go. go to work, and work all day. save your cash. blow it on blow. then go with the flow. and experience life as it is.oh ya and i totally like to throw super sweet parties!!

My Interests

codeine, writing, film, music, guitar, creativity, psychology, cooking, empty spaces (and stuff), stuff, adventure stuff, and like new experiences and stuff.

I'd like to meet:

your mother (no seriously, your mother). im gonna take your mother out all night and im gonna show her what its all about! im gonna get her jacked up on cheap champagne and let the good times all roll out! take-your-mama-out-all-night!!


only underground


www.somethingdirectory.com & www.whatsemo.com


dont watch tv, ive got Joel McHale to watch it all for me! oh and:


i dont read, but when i do i read reference and business books. but you can most likely find me in the "self help" section (but i will be dressed as a woman)


theyre all zeros

My Blog

taxi cab confessions 90

fahgettaboutiiiiiiiiiit!!"id pay to have your nipples"- one straight guy says to another straight guy = straight guys??? the math doesnt add up"well how bout i just walk home! fucking asshole!!"- fi...
Posted by j fab on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 04:28:00 PST

taxi cab confessions 89

first tested on animals:"you dont have to fuck em, just eat their pussies!"- old guy giving me advice on ’cougar hunting’"you may find a lil crust on there, but just think of it as a crout...
Posted by j fab on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 01:23:00 PST

restaurant review: Mamma Gina, Palm Desert

Ah yes, the illustrious and locally famous Mamma Gina! Of all the highly reputed fine-dining establishments in the Coachella Valley, Mamma Gina was at the top of my list! Why? As a major league fan...
Posted by j fab on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 04:30:00 PST

taxi cab confessions 88

took a break, i know, so heres a DOUBLE PORTION:"ass and crumbcake, thats all i need"- random"tiene problema?"- was the first thing he said.  fuckin great.  he's wasted, shady, disheveled, a...
Posted by j fab on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 01:46:00 PST

sprint story (sprint customers must read!)

as well all know, sprint has the WORST customer service in the history of customer service, and i have been a victim of it for 5 years. but this last situation might have been my final straw if it wa...
Posted by j fab on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 03:00:00 PST

sprint story (sprint customers must read!)

as well all know, sprint has the WORST customer service in the history of customer service, and i have been a victim of it for 5 years. but this last situation might have been my final straw if it wa...
Posted by j fab on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 03:00:00 PST

taxi cab confessions 87

fish fork:"oh you are naughty indeed!"- 80 year old lady as she was being macked on by some young guy like in his 20's. i thought maybe he was trying to get on her Will or something but they didnt ev...
Posted by j fab on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 05:44:00 PST

baja adventure

for those of you who want to know, and for me who might want to read this years down the line, i proudly present... Sheb’s Baja Adventure:Day 1: EnsenadaBaja 1000 party, drinking for free and d...
Posted by j fab on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 05:27:00 PST

taxi cab confessions 86

187 with my balls on your chin BIATCH!: "we need chinese hookers and blow, what can you do for us?" - now do you see the constant pressure im under?? "you smell a lot better than butt" - gee thanks...
Posted by j fab on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 03:48:00 PST

taxi cab confessions 85

the halloween blue plate special:"i thought you were waiting for the song to end or something..."- my passenger.  he gets into the car and i totally thought we were waiting for someone else, so i...
Posted by j fab on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 01:49:00 PST