"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they
wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're
going to feel all day. "
~Frank Sinatra
Your results:
You are Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy
You would go to almost any length for the protection of the environment including manipulation and elimination.
Your results:
You are Supergirl
Honest and a defender of the innocent.
/TABLELife. Anything that has to do with life interests me. I love to study people, and who we are. The way people interact with eachother, the relationships that people build, and how weak we seem to be sometimes because of eachother. I think that's what keeps us all going.
And video games.
I'd like to meet Amelia Earhart and ask her what happened that day in 1937.
A story on Amelia today 3/31/07 on Yahoo News: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070331/ap_on_re_us/search_for_a
I love music, and I always will. Local shows are my passion. I love to listen to a band up close and personal, without all the screaming fans (although sometimes it happens) and huge stage that I feel unattatched from. Going to local shows gives you a chance to feel the music, instead of the 1,000 people next to you. -and- Typically in my experience, local shows have much more drive and meaning behind the music. The shows are more exciting and energetic. It's kinda like a good pit for Anti-Flag, without the whole getting-kicked-in-the-head thing.
I watch Indie movies. They move me.
I don't watch TV much anymore. But I'll give a shout out to the classics. The Simpsons (who doesn't love them?), Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Family Guy. Adult Swim all the way.
Anyone who lives their life the way they want, and never regrets it.