Rey Conga Peace River profile picture

Rey Conga Peace River

Next Peace River trip dates: February 9-10, 2008!

About Me

Dense forests line the river banks, and few signs of civilization can be seen.
The Peace River Canoe Trail is officially designated as part of Florida’s Statewide System of Greenways and Trails. The Spanish, on a map as early as 1544, called it “Rio de la Paz” -- river of peace. Seminole’s called it Tallackchopo (cow peas) because the river’s banks were covered with wild peas. The Peace River, true to its name, is a serene, slow-moving river with few signs of civilization. Whether you paddle for a day or a week, the Peace River’s quiet isolation lets you leave big city worries behind. The scars of 19th century phosphate mining of the river banks and bed have been absorbed by the river and lush vegetation.
Red-shouldered hawk soar high above moss-draped cypress trees. Turtles slide into the water as a paddler drifts by. Deer and turkey feed in the palmetto thickets. A black bear may wander to the river’s edge. Wading birds walk along the bank looking for food while keeping an eye on a nearby alligator. Otter play among the willows. Horizontal cabbage palm dip their trunks in the water before curving straight up so the tops clear the surface.
Along its 67 miles, the pale, tea-colored river shows many different faces. Sometimes the river is narrow, passing swiftly between high banks. Around a gentle curve, the river may widen and the current become slow-moving. Past another of the S curves, the river becomes a quiet shallow pond before narrowing again. The Peace River is split by tiny islands and joined by numerous creeks. Sandy beaches and sloping banks provide excellent camping spots.

My Interests

Canoeing, camping, hiking, fishing, campfires, singing by campfires, adult beverages, adult party favors, etc.

I'd like to meet:

You and you and you and you and you and you ...


Rhett y Los Borrachos Empeñados , Humbert , DC-3 , Conga Rey , Jim Camacho , Rudy , The Baboons, Red Road, Nag Champayons


Ghostbooch, The Tao of Booch, Booch Gary and Glen Booch, JFBooch, A-Pocket of Booch Now, Stars: the Empire Strikes Booch, Night on Earth, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (just kidding!), Requiem for a Booch, Starsky and Booch, Have Booch, Will Travel ... you get the idea.


The Weather Channel


The Boy Scout Handbook, Brownie Girl Scout Handbook, Gideon's Bible, The Manual, The 9-11 Commision Report, Electric Koolade Acid Test ...


Rey "Conga" Diaz, David A. Manzano, Moe Coipel, Omar Diaz, El Boochacabras, Heywood Jablowme ...

My Blog

Things to bring to Peace River

Items to be brought by customer (necessities and suggested items) ..> Food and drink of choice including drinking water. Sunscreen, sunglasses, hats Bug repellent Extra cooler for drinks (sav...
Posted by Rey Conga Peace River on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 08:09:00 PST

Peace River 2008

Hey, everybody ... it's official. We've now reserved the campsite called the Lagoon for Feb. 9-10, 2008. Best move is to call Canoe Outpost and make your reservation asap ... here's some vital info:Ca...
Posted by Rey Conga Peace River on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 07:37:00 PST

Peace River 2007 / TeaJay's photos

Hey, guys and dolls ... 2007 will go down in my books as one of the best ever. The weather couldn't have been better, the turnout of beautiful peeps was abundant and the times were good. Real good! Th...
Posted by Rey Conga Peace River on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 06:45:00 PST

Date clarification

Hello, everybody! Just to be sure, there is one date for this year's trip: the weekend of February 9-11, 2007. We do have one general site reserved for whoever wants to go - the Lagoon. This rese...
Posted by Rey Conga Peace River on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 10:14:00 PST


This blog will act as a message board for those who need a partner. If you need a partner or know of someone who needs a partner, post it here. Feel free to choose how you get in touch with each other...
Posted by Rey Conga Peace River on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 06:23:00 PST

Peace River 2006 - less than a month away!

Attention Peace River paddlers! You now have less than 25 days to make your reservation for this year's trip. It will be next to impossible, hell even reckless to leave the decision to go and the rese...
Posted by Rey Conga Peace River on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 09:06:00 PST

Pricing and gear info ...

Here's a general run-down: Canoe Outpost-Peace River Camping Gear Rental Prices Tent (3-person)&&&&.&........$20.00/1st night Propane Stove w/ tank.&...$15.00/1st night Propane Lantern w...
Posted by Rey Conga Peace River on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Reservations ...

When it comes to Peace River and the Canoe Outpost, it's always better to reserve a canoe and whatever gear you need early. It is first come, first serve. Contact: Canoe Outpost - Peace River 2...
Posted by Rey Conga Peace River on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Attention all serious Peace River excursionists ...

Allright ... no bullshit now. All of you interested in doing this, you probably know the drill - contact the Arcadia Canoe Outpost (2816 NW County Rd. 661 Arcadia, Florida 34266 USA 863.494.1215, 80...
Posted by Rey Conga Peace River on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST