FRANKIE profile picture


If I promise not to kill you, can I have a hug?

About Me

I'm bitchy, funny, have a quirky sick demented sense of humor. I love animals, dogs the most & detest a lot of the people I meet. Most people would say I am NOT a "people person" although at work I have to act like I am. I pay my bills late even if I do have the money because I never open the mail. My boyfriend is driving me insane.

My Interests

My dogs, reading, reading to my dogs... Eating sugar straight from the sugar bowl. Stuffing my cat in my shirt.

Avoiding work for as long as possible while perfecting the art of laziness. Spending countless hours on the internet searching for free porn.

I'd like to meet:

Well let’s see… I would like to meet heterosexual men who can appreciate a big ass on a woman/man, fag hags, the heavily tattooed, people of color, people who are uncolored, those cursed with combination skin, people who have chapped lips throughout the winter season, animal loving yet feather boa wearing divas in denial/conflict that feathers come from birds, leather boys/daddies, the guy Dick Cheney shot, those who cried so hard at Brokeback Mountain they got hiccups, paranormal investigators, hand models, trannies, the Pope, (the dead one) the lady who refuses to let me make payment arrangements at the electric company, anyone with split ends, cute guys with brown hair and brown eyes maybe a blonde here and there, Latin men/women, Asian men, Asian men who are cops, regular cops but not the ones who arrest me for driving with a suspended license, people who take karaoke seriously, the guy who pulled up beside me at the stop light and masturbated just for me, people who have naturally red hair, the elephant trainers at Ringling Brother’s Circus, adults who still color in coloring books but refuse to color within the lines, people who sing off key loudly and on purpose, bad drivers like me, the decadent, the unruly, and the brave.


I hate music snobs.. but these are a few of my favorites and are subject to change at any given time: Cheap Trick, Evanescence, New York Dolls, The Ramones, (but they're pretty much dead) Concrete Blonde, Buckcherry, Ratt, T-Rex, Los Lonely Boys, Black Flag, Hanoi Rocks, Metallica, Kiss, old Aerosmith.. blah blah blah

Oh yeah and L.A. Guns, London Quire Boys, Motley Crue, Holly & the Italians, Faster Pussycat, old Van Halen, The Motels...


Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Hostel, Napoleon Dynamite, The Wizard of Oz, American History X, The Green Mile, Almost Famous, The Shawshank Redemption, The Notebook, Raising Arizona, Scarface, Forrest Gump, Corpse Bride, Nightmare Before Christmas...


God I LOVE LOVE LOVE television!! My favorite show right now is the one where that bitch New York from Flavor of Love is now trying to find her own love. That girl is pure evil. Gotta love that. Hmm… I thought I could come up with a million things I watch but I can’t think of them right now.
I hate sports on TV except for football, specifically the COLTS who are the 2007 SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS!!! But I’m sure you already know that.
Oh, but I am a news junkie, I almost never miss Bill O’Reilly, at least one of my TV’s is always on Fox News, or CNN which is a bit too liberal for me. I usually don’t miss the local nightly news either… Court TV is pretty cool, MAD TV…
Ummm… I used to watch the Crocodile Hunter but since he’s gone it’s no fun. I NEVER watch the Animal Cop shows. I end up arguing with my television screaming at the animal cop girl to just shoot the fucking animal abusers for crying out loud. She has a damn gun... USE IT!!


I used to read a LOT but this computer has taken over. But I love Dean Koontz ~ False Memories is one of my favorite books of all time, Stephen King, I’ve read all the Harry Potter books which are fascinating which I found surprising, I love to read cook books too. God this feels like I’m completing an application for a dating service.

I’m not.


That’s a tough question… I would have to say my Mother. RIP

My Blog


EVERYTHING Buried way beneath the sheets I think she's having a melt downFinding it hard to fall to sleep she won't let anyone help herThe look on her face, A waste of timeShe won't let go, Gonna roll...
Posted by FRANKIE on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 01:16:00 PST


Seriously I can't take anymore.   I don't deserve it.   I feel like I'm dying inside as it is because I miss my Mom so much and I seem to be the only person in my family that's not dealing ...
Posted by FRANKIE on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 02:13:00 PST


Here is an editorial from a very disturbing website that I frequent more than I want to admit.   This story just stayed with me and I would like to sh...
Posted by FRANKIE on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 01:43:00 PST


Because if I were I would get in fights since some people just need to have the shit kicked out of them.   It's all some people understand.   This is my rant of the day.   My...
Posted by FRANKIE on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 01:30:00 PST


Damn it!!   The Colts are in the Superbowl this weekend as we all know and I won't even say anything about the fact that we WILL win since I have friends that are Bears fans.   So I'm tryin...
Posted by FRANKIE on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 01:47:00 PST


Police raiding a cockfighting pit in southern Virginia charged more than 120 people, most from out of state, in a case animal-welfare advocates said shows that Virginia's weak laws against cockfightin...
Posted by FRANKIE on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 01:23:00 PST


But I'm not.   The past few days have been easier to get through and then something as simple as seeing Mom's phone number on the speed dial completely shattered me.   Two weeks ago at thi...
Posted by FRANKIE on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 04:08:00 PST


Great if things aren't hard enough for me right now as it is, guess who has come back to stress me out just a little more?   The STALKER!!!!   I can not believe it!   What is wrong wit...
Posted by FRANKIE on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 01:15:00 PST


Here is a more recent picture of Mom.     Mom was a computer addict.   Mom was also addicted to YouTube.   Mom did not know what MySpace was. (Thankfully)   I do that weird ...
Posted by FRANKIE on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 08:58:00 PST


Well I didn't cry ALL day today so I may be on my way to a better frame of mind.   I think what may have happened is that my Mom has gotten herself settled in, visited her loved ones that had pas...
Posted by FRANKIE on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 07:39:00 PST