Jo- RIP Vitek profile picture

Jo- RIP Vitek


About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
hey guys :) what to say... i love my friends a great deal and would be nothing without them.. too many to mention but you all know who you are so i'll leave it at that. am a second year student reading law and german and cardiff uni. its a pain in the friggin ass but i'm trying my best to survive it!!! hopefully if i pass this year i'll be living in south germany come september which is worrying in itself! i live for gigs and music in general :)best nights of the week when we actually manage it together has to be the sambuca sesh's with my darling buddies sandy and ellie who i love to bits hehe :) been very fortunate to meet a great majority of the bands i actually like and my little brain is so full of brilliant memories :) think my next gig so far will be celtic frost/kreator in march which should be cool :) i think i'll shut up now til i can think of something else to say...Eve - Tambourine

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

just "normal" people please- ive had enough idiots to last me a lifetime :(


this varies from: Dark Tranquility, Opeth, Gorgoroth, Decapitated, Cannibal Corpse, SYL, Impaled Nazerene, Lamb of God, Machine Head, God Forbid, Biomechanical, Co-Exist, Stampin' Ground, Byzantine, Pantera, The Red Chord... all the way to Lamb, Mazzy Star, Christy Moore (hehe), Opera, other Classical music and others


TARTAN ASIAN EXTREME, world cinema and grotesque comedy all the way!


Anything but Law and German textbooks right now


The bands that I love, my parents- I love you both to absolute pieces; you're my rocks and I'd do anything for you two... my friends- each one of you are individual heroes

My Blog

Joey is in Dubbalin!

right so im half dead after a 15 1/2 hr journey, i had some indian woman have her legs open and her feet on me which BOTH STANK but i finally made it here!!! sodding hostel wont check me in til 2 so i...
Posted by Jo- RIP Vitek on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 01:33:00 PST


why in the living hell is life at home so boring!!!!!! :(im going insane, there's nothing interesting to do here at all and my biggest entertainment is watching deal or no deal at 4:15 :(I WANNA GO BA...
Posted by Jo- RIP Vitek on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 07:51:00 PST


my fucking computer!!! this is me on my library one since my laptop is being the biggest dickhead known to man... hello!!  i havent been online properly in days and it sucks :(   DRINK THE ...
Posted by Jo- RIP Vitek on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 05:55:00 PST


ellO¬1 si o im cquite drunke mrigth now ,. no rmoe mo=dnay night ous forf me!!!!!
Posted by Jo- RIP Vitek on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 05:03:00 PST

My Thursday night...

So tonight anyone with sense would've stayed in since it's pissing down with rain, and that someone has a lot of prep to do by tomorrow for tutorials. But noooo, THIS someone spent the evening in good...
Posted by Jo- RIP Vitek on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 04:02:00 PST


I thought i'd take a leaf out of Jamie poo's life and write a blog of my own. This is my first ever blog so it's obviously gonna be shit but I thought I'd may as well write one anyway. Second fucking ...
Posted by Jo- RIP Vitek on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 08:20:00 PST