Being alive long enough to really enjoy life. Put out 5 classic albums. To accept a lifetime achievement award, to see my children graduate college & have their own family. The things Notorious B.I.G. Eazy-E & 2Pac will never get a chance to do. God bless the dead.
The children that I will one day father in the future. Your life doesn't begin until you have children. Human survival depends on the birth of a child. I'm not sayin' go out & fuck til' you drop, I'm sayin when it happens appreciate it because being there to see my son born was the most memorable moment in my life & I will forever be thankful for his life. " They say everytime somebody dies a child is born, so I thank the nigga who gave his life for the birth of my son ! (Like father Like Son) "The Game"
You already know !
Waist Deep: Starring Tyrese Gibson, Larenz Tate & The Game In theatres April 28th
Flat Screen.......... It's 2006 homie, step ya game up !!!
The one's with pictures !
The strong black women in my life !!! My mother Lynette M. Baker. My dear grandmother's Lillie Frazier & Carol Edith Ziegler (R.I.P.). My future wife V.M.B. you are "My World" !!! My aunt Valerie Frazier for fighting & winning a long hard battle from which many women never return (Breast Cancer). My only son, My lil' soldier Harlem Caron Taylor. Also every man, woman & child that had to endure the long days & nights of being chained to the fuckin' wood splintered floor of a "SLAVE SHIP". Everyone running, walking or swimming across any United States border to secure the freedom of themselves & their families. The brothers, sisters, children, husbands, wives, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, girlfirends, boyfriends, fiance's & friends of any soldiers killed in the line of duty. Not only in "WAR" also in the streets.