Russell profile picture


TK-421 Why aren't you at your post?

About Me

There's a place in London called Russell Square. It's very small and you don't really know you're there until you're in the middle of it. There's absolutely nothing interesting or unique about it and theres one guy who lives there and tries to sell Russell Square souvenirs. That's pretty much me.

My Interests

Blatently misreferancing Jesus, Gandhi, Darth Vader and other great names for use of poorly constructed analogies, hanging out with peeps, reading, history (just in general),computer games, criticizing people for having MySpaces and then creating one of my own, seeing plays and movies, busing places!, having philisophical discussions centered around Star Wars, and of course traveling. I'll make my way to Constant...Istanbul one day...

I'd like to meet:

Richard Nixon...if only he weren't dead. But that hasn't stopped him in the past.


Well I don't listen to an abundance of music, I suppose I listen to Flaming Lips, Johnny Cash, Pink Floyd, Beatles, Pixies, Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Presidents, David Bowie, John Williams, but not William Shatner. Definitely not William Shatner... FRONTIER PSYCHIATRIST


Gladiator, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Planet of the Apes (the original), Generations, First Contact, Army of Darkness, Pulp Fiction,The Big Lebowski, Glory, Gettysburg, Back to the Future...haha..., Anchorman, Spaceballs, Team America: World Police, Forrest Gump, Patton, Braveheart, etc.


Star Trek of course (not so much TOS)h, Family Guy, Futurama, Simpsons, Red Dwarf, Monty Python, Black Adder, I Claudius, South Park.


Ender's Game (and the whole series), Lord of the Rings, The Odyssey, Iliad, and Aeneid, The Art of War, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Russell the Sheep, The Hornblower novels, The Classics, and varies other history and political science books.


Winston Churchill...and of course, the Captain!