sitting, good people, friends, making stuff, bumbershoot, folklife, tracking, music, ultimate frisbee, having fun,walking,surviving, ultimate frisbee, bird watching, eating bagels,
Critters and anyone else as exciting
Anything around a campfire, The Stewert Wilson Experiance,Radiohead, Neil Young, CSNY, Led Zepplin, Citizen Cope, Flogging Molly, Joni Mitchel, The Beatles, Queens of a Stone Age, Blind Melon, Chinatown, Marley, Presidents, Smashing Pumpkins, The White Stripes, Pearl Jam, Simon and Garfunkel, The beach Boys, John Lennon, Muse, Modest Mouse, Red Hot Chilly Peppers, Bjork, Jefferson Airplane, Yes, George clinton, ....I like almost all music really
I'd rather be climbing a big leaf maple...
everything Hayo Miyazaki, crouchinf tiger hidden dragon, willy wonka and the chocolate factory (the original), star wars, moulin rouge, lord of the rings, cowboy bebop, pirates of the carribean, whats eating gilbert grape, the yellow submarine, and SIX-STRING SAMURAI!!!
how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen
I don't like comercials, but I have been known to rent shows such as Firefly
Harry Potter!!!!! Golden Compass books, Riddle-Master, lord of the rings, Neil Gaiman books, hella Edward Abbey
G is for Gandhi