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Mr. Hyperbole


About Me

Real Gangstas can diffuse volatile situations with respect, logic and compromise.Good Morrow, noontide, ev'ntide or dank of night, my name is, in all honesty, not something you need to know. I am a man, which is to say an individual male of the species Homo Sapiens Sapiens, but I think that we can all agree that the use of latin is very, very pretentious, and should probably be discontinued. The endevours of the Scientific, Medical, Ecclisiastic, Legal and Roman History Buff communities are the only reasons why Latin has not gone on to the great... place with many languages in the sky. Like Doctor Frankenstien, they have hideously refused to allow the dead (e.g Latin) to pass, rather reanimating them. Latin, is the Undead Language.All the above matter pertaining to latin is what we in the bussiness like to call 'acessory', 'gratuitous', and 'irrelevant.' The matter I actually intended to discuss, that is, me, stands as follows: I am a man. I could attatch many adjectives, adverbs, and descriptive phrases to describe what kind of man I am, but that would be, not unlike latin, pretentious and overweening. In fact, the construction, 'not unlike' is pretentious and overweening, it's very hard for me to stop doing pretentious things, and I apollogize for all of them. Anyway, in addition to being a man, I am a man with 'hopes', 'dreams', and 'deeply cherished beliefs', which I expect everyone to mock to the best of thier abilities. To aid you in your mockery here's a list of beliefs I hold. 1. All people are born equal, and remain equal regardless of thier actions, and should be treated accordingly.
2. Being honest is always the best choice.
3. Indecision is always the worst choice.
4. There is no such thing as a bad person only bad actions.
5. People have limitations, and believing in yourself isn't worth shit.
6. Everyone wants to be happy
7. Two thousand years ago, a 'man' who preached in the area that now constitutes Isreal and Palistine was in fact not a mere man but a human manifestation of the Supreame Being an Omnipotent Creator. This man was executed, but three days after his death arose -alive as any other. Those who believe this story have access to eteral life, those who do not... just die.Here's everything else you ever wanted to know about me.Likes: Class Warfare, Christianity, Pie, Verbal Jousting, Verbal Mugging, Historical Oddities, Dancing, Acting, Essays, Being Mean, The Truth, Ambigous Sexuality, Hats, Democracy, Logarithms, Molar Mass, Geography, Being Better Than Others at Things, Heavy Accents, Grammer, Shiny Shoes, Devalued Currency, Spelling, The English Language, Innuendo, Canes, Penguins, Peer Pressure, Yelling, Allegories, Pinball, Breeches and Knee Socks, Political Assassinations, Photoshop, Facial Hair, Palm Trees, Epic Poetry, Irony, constitutions, Russians. Dislikes: Foreign Languages, Non-Conformists, Postmodernism, Liars, Drugs, Love, Celtic Guitar, Tomatoes, Arrogance, The Shoulder Lean, Seriousness, Head Injuries, Orthodontists, Decimals, Magazines, Sequels, Assembling Furniture, Rich People, Professional Sports, Me, Fossil Fuels, Stools, Telephones, Poor Adding, Unecessary Abreviations, Nazis, Vladimir O'Brien, The Word Necessary, The Word Vivid, Indiscret Coples, Children, Running, The Quebecois, Ice Picks, Outlook Express, Wigs, Whigs, When Exclamations or Laughter are put Into Writing, Pants, Executions, Exclamation Points, Dead Fish, Fragmentation Grenades.I'd like to take the time to apoligize for confusing exceptable and acceptable. I swear it will never happen again. If anyone else notices a spelling mistake, grammatical error, incorrect usage or other linguistic faux pas on this page, please tell me.

My Interests

Putting upity people in their places
how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen Just like my hero, Emperor Palpintine

I'd like to meet:

People who are not murderers, liars, rapists, or thieves. Beyond that, I'm pretty open minded.


See, I don't get songs stuck in my head, I get historical documents stuck in my head. When in the course of human events it becomes necessay for one people to desolve the political bonds that have held them to another and assume among the powers of the earth the seperate and equal station to which nature and nature's god entitles them. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by thier creator with certain inaliable rights and among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
This was stuck in my head for two whole weeks


One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest, Rent, Cassablanca, Good Night and Good Luck, A Night at the Opera, Dogma, Muppet's Treasure Island, Star Wars V and VI but not I, II, III or IV, Doctor Strangelove, The Producers.


I like Boston Legal, partly because it's well written, mostly because I love William Shatner.


Mr. Popper's Penguins, Catch-22, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series, Twelfth Night, America the Book, Songs of Innocence and of Experience, Nightfall, Rendezvous with Rama, Innocents Abroad, Micromegas, The Mother Tounge, Round Ireland with a Fridge,The Great Gastby, The Tempest, Reservation Blues, Fluke, The Universe in a Nutshell, The Engines of God, The Dragons of Eden, Going Postal, Life on the Mississippi, The Subtle Knife (and the amber spyglass and golden compass by association), Dave Barry Turns Fifty, Meditation in Action, The Bible (Excluding the minor Prophets [except Amos]), Kiln People, Cat's Cradle, End of Eternity, The Gods Themselves, The Count of Monte Cristo, All in the Timing, A Walk in the Woods, The Ark, and trashy sci-fi novels. I also like to read atlases, of any sort, modern or historical, accurate or inaccurate.


Jesus, John Locke, Douglas Adams, FDR, Joel Irving, Marty Leeds, Mark Twain, Mark Miklejon, Machiavelli

My Blog

More Socrates

Don's transport was accompanied by no peal of thunder, no great voice, not even a quiet, timid acknowledgement.  Rather, in the manner of nearly all miraculous occurrences, it just happened. ...
Posted by Mr. Hyperbole on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 07:02:00 PST


What are your favorite adjectives? Mine: Tricksy, Plebien, and Lecherous.
Posted by Mr. Hyperbole on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 02:26:00 PST

Look, we can write

 This was written by my good friend Eric Henke (Alias Black Master Africa).  I decided to post it alongside my own work, mostly on the grounds of lines 2-6.  So here's to my fellow...
Posted by Mr. Hyperbole on Thu, 12 Jan 2006 08:15:00 PST

The amazing story of Socrates, Don Bailey and the Jews (2nd Edition)

This story was inspired by Nick Demmert. We were over at Kubacki's house, and he, being somewhat ridiculous, asked me to tell him a story, a story about Socrates, Don Bailey and the Jews. I obliged, a...
Posted by Mr. Hyperbole on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 05:28:00 PST

Political Writing

It has recently come to my attention that the majority of people who are on MySpace are, in fact, idiots, or at least so ignorant of the processes that make the world work that they might as well be.&...
Posted by Mr. Hyperbole on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST