High speed luxury Auto's, Cuban Cigars, Wave Running, Swimming, Tennis, Basketball, Horror Movies, Real Estate and Music, Music, Music....and More Music...and of course lots and lots of SEEEEEEEEEEEXXX!!! (but only with my honey!)
I love all styles of music but my favorite to spin is; Progressive Dirty House, Glitchy Electro Tech-House, electro clash, techno, tribal, and anything that is truely unique and makes a dancefloo sweat. As Louis Armstrong says,"There are 2 different types of music: Theres Good Music and Bad Music" I like just GOOD Music.I also have a place in my heart for good old classic Jazz.
Favorite style of movies are any Horror movie with good plots and lots of grusome gore. Love Sci-fi as well but mostly horror sci-fi. SAW I,II, III, IV, Halloween (All of them, Friday the 13th (Full series) House of 1000 corpsus, Devils Rejects, Hills Have Eyes I & II, Resident Evil (all) Hostel I & II, Underworld (all), The Devils Advocate, Silent Hill, 1408, Phantasm, Beast Within and many many other bloody discusting flick. in additon: Liar, Liar, Zoolander, Scarface, The Pursuit Of Happiness, The Notebook, Message In a Bottle, Chronicles Of Narnia, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Animal House, Bruce Almighty, Batman (all) Spiderman (all), transformers, ET, Star Wars and many manymany other....can you tell Im a movie buff....
Sopranos, 24, Law & Order: SVU, Nip/Tuck, The Soup, Unwrapped, Frasier, Will & Grace, King Of Queens, Two and a Half Men, Crank Yankers, Saturday Night Live(Yes The Ladies Man is in the house), Sex In The City, CSI, The Simpsons, South Park, Bevis & Butthead, Married With Children, The Munsters,Living Color, WWE RAW,
Davinci Code, Any Stephen King book. Fast Time At Rdgemont High, Green Eggs And Ham (I love to read it to my Daughter) The Giving Tree, All of Shell Silverstein Books,Hit Men, Cigar Aficionado (I know not a book my a Great Mag for Im a Cigar conisseur)
Chris Gardner....For his courageous effort in his pursuit for happiness.... a true american hero, Ray Charles, John Lee Hooker, B.B. King, Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Morgan Freeman, and all those people who have had and a dream or vision or goal for there life, worked hard to achieve it no matter what people said or did to sway them from obtaining that dream and achieved success achieving that dream.