Kilmarnock FC.FK Zenit St Petersburg.Special snuggle time.MONOPOLKA - FUCKS YOUR KITCHEN.TETSUO - LOVES LEWIS THO RACE HATE
Pope Innocent III.Laibach.The Master.My old flatmate Tim.Margarita.Erich von Ludendorff.Dr. Andrei Rogatchevskii.Tetsuo, alive.
Gypsy klezmer music. Balalaika vs Bouzouki. Erik Satie.
I gave directions to Alan Rough last week. Tetsuo knows Campbell Money.
The Spooks of Bottle Bay
"My Day". There was a sausage and a crying wean.
I once saw a guy on the St Petersburg metro who had a hole in his neck, into which he repeatedly dipped a hankerchief. This was in order to wipe away excess phlegm that was dribbling out of the gash. He was nuts.