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Lead me not into temptation; I can find the way myself.

About Me

I am a practicing Witch of 25 years and a member and initiate of a local traditional Georgia coven. I am a gifted healer and incorporate alot of Shamanistic qualities into my approach. I have been married for 22 years and have 2 teen aged kids. Most of the time I am intensely focused but do have a wicked smartass sense of humor. I enjoy sharing my perspectives and hearing from others. I will always be a student of life. I love nature and can be found outside usually planting something. I love to feel the sun on my skin and the wind in my hair. I enjoy to reading, writing and visiting museums. I also enjoy old music and movies.Good tequila and whiskey warm me up quite nicely. The trick is figuring out which will encourage me to lose my shirt.(LOL) I am here to connect with a few people who share my beliefs and make some friends along the way.Layout powered by HOT FreeLayoutsDance this dance with me. Come nearer to the fire I have built of old things. For you, goddess, are the air that fuels my breath, the breath that leads me from the ecstatic to the banal. Fresh from the womb I have showered, and have slipped into the nakedness of my spirit. From your dancing body I step into the flame of your heart. Your eyes shower warm sparks that tell me of my creation into a wondrous woman of your word. I am naked and vulnerable, and I know you will tell me your fire burns. ~Sheri R. Watson~

My Interests

Wicca, Witchcraft, the Healing Arts (crystals, Reiki,aromatherapy ect) Diabetes Care and Management, Hospice, Astrology, Animals and their wisdoms, reading ,writing(journals and poetry), Sumerian Mythology and Reconstruction, Exploring Sacred Sites such as Sacred Mounds, old historical Churches and Graveyards, Symbology, studying Magical Systems and Alphabets, Human Rights, Writing Rituals, Tea Ceremonies and other traditional Asian Culture, Sacred Geometry, Platonic Solids, Roller Derby, Trees, My Heritage, the Path of a Shaman,collecting antique glass and Santa Domingo Pottery , flea markets and hiking mountain trails.Be A Lamp Unto Yourself. ~Buddha~You who want knowledge, seek the Oneness within.There you will find the clear mirror already waiting. ~Hadewijch~Let me drink of Your watersThat flow from Your spring,And ride Your mare's backTo take me and bring,All the tree's secretsThat are whispering low,To the winds in Your hairThat speak as they blow.Let me fly with blue wingsTo Your moon dripping blood,And swim Your dark seasTo Your bliss bearing floodOf all the Earth's passionsThat are whispering low,To the winds in Your hairThat speak as they blow.Let me play in Your darknessThat fills Your deep caves,And dance in the firesThat are lit at the raves -Of all the Earth's childrenThat are whispering lowTo the winds in Your hairThat speak as they blow.Roderick W. Marling~Courage is needed For the trials ahead. The Goddess is calling, Her table is spread. She summons her children From the shadows of night. Take courage, accept. Come into the light. We have stayed hidden Within the garden too long. It is time to come forward. Have courage, be strong. Walk on thy path With head held high. Courage, my kin. Our day draws nigh. Let not wretched spite Bring shame to thy face. Hold fast to thy courage And shine in Her grace. Take hold of my hand, Fear not gentle folk. Take comfort in thy courage, Mother's strength we evoke. Onward, kind friend. Tis not far now. Have faith in thy Mother. She is true to Her vow. Courage, She whispers. To thine own self be true. Know I remain by thy side. I shall see thee through.... Moone

I'd like to meet:

Dian Fossey, Catherine the Great, StarHawk, Mary Magdalene
Myspace Cursors
I am the Darkness behind and beneath the shadows. I am the absence of air that awaits at the bottom of every breath. I am the Ending before Life begins again, the Decay that fertilizes the Living. I am the Bottomless Pit, the never-ending struggle to reclaim that which is denied. I am the Key that unlocks every Door. I am the Glory of Discovery, for I am that which is hidden, secluded and forbidden. Come to me at the Dark Moon and see that which can not be seen, face the terror that is yours alone. Swim to me through the blackest oceans to the center of your greatest fears-- the Dark God and I will keep you safe. Scream to us in terror, and yours will be the Power to Forbear. Think of me when you feel pleasure, and I will intensify it, until the time when I may have the greatest pleasure of meeting you at the Crossroads Between the Worlds.~unknown~The night is upon us; The sky is clear, We call upon the Goddess.. and She is near


These are a few of my favorites: U2, Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin,Bruce Springsteen, Moody Blues, Rainbow, Dio,Portishead, Marvin Gaye, Etta James, Otis Redding, the Allman Brothers, the Who and Pearl Jam. I like all types of music though.. such as Celtic and Native American, Racchmaninov and the classical harpI come from the silenceAs a word spoken in the dark,I come from the stillnessAs a breath blownThrough the tunnels of time and space.All those who listen in the nightFor My voice,Shall feel My breathUpon their face,And hear My songFilling their heart with gladness.My temple is resurrected in your cells,And My sacred rituals are enactedThrough your genitals.But the world has closed their earsTo My songs,And closed up My temples,And let the flame of My altersGrow cold.For they think My temples profane,And My rituals obscene.They've all forgottenHow they came to Life's banquet,And what a miracleTheir children truly are.If you can not honor Me,It is because you no longerHonor yourself.I am the Eternal Mother,Through MeLife flows like a great riverPoured out into allThat you experience.For I am Life,And Life is what I am.Infinite, EternalYet always Changing -Always New.A kaleidoscope of realitiesInfinitely expandingThrough My endlessCreativity.What is time in My Eternity?What is space in My Infinity?What is determined in My Spontaneity?What is death in My Immortality?What is absolute in My Creativity?Look upon My Beauty,That shines in the sunlightAnd the moonlight,And come to MeAs your hidden lover,Waiting for youBefore you were born.I, the Mother of desire,Desires you as the loverDesires the beloved.If you can not love your body,How can you hope to love Me,Who loves every part of you,Who is every part of who you are.Creativity is the mediumOf My Expression.It is through whichI speak My Love,The LoveThat is the HeartOf All Existence,Blossoming with infinite petalsOf multi-dimensional realities.I am The Great Chaos,That precedes the small sparkOf your rationality;The Wild Ocean of Consciousness,Breaking as waves of InspirationUpon the ShoresOf the human mind.Before your first word,I listened to your singing heart,That arose in the sunlightOf My Creative Joy.In Me,You have always had your life,And in Me,You will always live.For My name is Existence,And outside of MeNothing else exists~Roderick Marling~"I am the Queen of Magick and the dark of the Moon, hidden in the deepest night. I am the mystery of the Otherworlds and the fear that coils about your heart in the times of your trials. I am the soul of nature that gives form to the universe; it is I who awaits you at the end of the spiral dance. Most ancient among gods and mortals, let my worship be within the heart that has truly tasted life, for behold, all acts of magick and art are my pleasure and my greatest ritual is love itself. Therefore let there be beauty in your strength, compassion in your wrath, power in your humility, and discipline balanced through mirth and reverence."You who seek to remove my veil and behold my true face, know that all your questing and efforts are for nothing, and all your lust and desires shall avail you not at all. For unless you know my mystery, look wherever you will, it will elude you, for it's within you and nowhere else. For behold, I have ever been with you, from the very beginning, the comforing hand that nurtured you in the dawn of life, and the loving embrace that awaits you at the end of each life, for I am that which is attained at the end of the dance, and I am the womb of new beginnings, as yet unimagined and unknown."I release my isolation to the Stars Breathing in the Energy that connects all things Allowing my body to be caressed by NatureFilling my lungs with eternal Breath Filling my senses with the joy of Being Alive Filling my heart with gratitude for this MomentFinally allowing my Spirit to soar Free I am a creation of the Universe Eternal in my EssenceIn time . . . when my life wanes Returning my body to Star Dust Held in the body of the Great Goddess I will again be the Energy of Life ~unknown~ The priestesses are returning Their footsteps on the land They find the strength to tread their path As the Goddess takes their hand.So follow Her Where'r She leads With joy and love and learning And know that deep within the Earth The Wheel is ever turning.The priestesses are returning They have clearly heard Her call They come to Her with open hearts As the patriarchy fallsSo follow Her Where'r She leads With passion, love and laughter And know that where your footsteps fall Others will come after.Their ancient sisters call to them Their voices on the breeze They hear them in the bubbling streams And in the whispering treesSo follow Her Where'r She leads With wildness, love and courage And know that from our ancient path Many others we will nourishThe priestesses are returning Their voices strong and clear They know that with Goddess within They have no need to fearWe follow Her Where'r She leads With strength and trust and knowing And know that now and evermore The Goddess is returning!©Jacqui Woodward-Smith, August - 4th November 2003With a great purpose, across all plains, among the trees, around the mountains, above the Earth. Before us and after, beyond our sight. By the love in our hearts, and into those coming from the past towards the future throughout all, she lives. ~Elizabeth Stembler~


Good Fellas, Grease, An Affair to Remember (anything with Cary Grant), Independent and foreign films especially movies that are about the cultures of China or Japan, 10 Things I Hate About You. I enjoy silly romantic movies. I also love Steve Martin moviesThe Valley Spirit never dies, It is named the Mysterious Female. And the doorway of the Mysterious Female Is the base from which Heaven and Earth sprang. It is there within us all the while Draw upon it as you will, it never runs dry. ~LAO-TZU~No one owns her, no part of her belongs to someone else. She is whole as a tree is wholeI touch, I hold, I harbour I am root and I am branch, I am beauty of the flower, I am full heavy fruitI am free as bone and breath - my breath describes all space, delineates all uniqueness, my breath connects us She is whole as the running deer who moves in grace through seasons; births herself from each old deathShe is free as water poured into a chalice I am free as Mother, Lover Warrior, I am free as Maiden, free as CroneShe is Fire that rushes through me lifts my spirit on its wingsSearch for me. Find me in the river, in the winter, in the moon find me in the Mirror find me in your Soul.©Rose Flint


CSI, House, What Not To Wear, Law and Order, Cold Case, The Closer Altar is set The circle cast. Quarters called The spirits asked. Between the worlds Where magick lies Now begins The craft of the Wise. Chalice set forth Athame held aloft. The voice of chant Heard faint and soft. Spell is cast In Hecate's name. The veil grows thin, Now sliced by athame. The door stands open To the spirit's realm. Voices of the ancients The circle overwhelm. Once hidden in time, Mysteries laid bare. Magick is afoote! Witches, take care. Dance the circle Three times round. Athame to the sky. Athame to the ground. Magick manifest. Power grow. Betwixt the worlds As above, so below. Chalice is raised In honor of kin, Passed round the circle and back again. As dawn approaches The spirits retreat To gather round The Goddess' feet. Thanks we give As the last rite is spoken. The circle undone, But never broken. Between the worlds Where magick lies Beats the heart of the witch, The craft of the Wise.... MooneI will stand forever firm Upon two feet, upon ground In praise of Lady Moon, Sister of Mother Earth Illumination.I will forever raise my arms Towards the sky In praise of Lady Moon, The silver One Hope.I will chant forever Her names My voice full of joy In praise of Lady Moon, The radiant One Inspiration.I will live forever in Her light Soaking my core with truth In praise of Lady Moon, The awe of my eyes The secrets of my soul.Laura Russell


I am a bookworm..any book is fair game :o). A few of my favorites are Margaret Starbird, Kahlil Gibran, Anais Nin, Starhawk and Marion Zimmer Bradley. A few favorite books are Love is the Earth, Animal Speaks and the Pagan MuseMy beloved Divine Mother Dance with me under the soft moon shining in the wide open fields far beyond the toil and trouble of my busy mindDance with me before the night grows old while the winds of love still bow the grasses and the coyotes cry for you to step their wayDance with me my beloved while the Mystery's Edge still flirts in the shadow of your radiant light ~Ethan Walker~Behold the Crone... Dancer of Time Completion of the Sacred CycleShe Who is Wisdom Beloved, respected and feared Honored as Grandmother, Ancestress and HagIn the end ~ there is beginning, Death brings Birth, Life renews through HerBehold the Crone, Dancer of Time Mother of worlds, Maiden of re-birth, Child of the next generationDancing through Time She Who cuts the cords…Of life and death, Grandmother of allThe Crone comes…….. Silently, powerfully, relentlessly Crossing space and time, Holding the threads of life and death, Mistress of endings and beginningsSpeaking through elders I am the Crone…. The Grandmothers….The Wisdom of Age….I am Hecate, I am Kali, I am the Eternal OneI cross space and time, Holding the threads of life and death, Mistress of endings and beginningsI am completion of the Cycle Maiden….. Mother….. Crone..... I have come as the Goddess, And in me... all life renews All things are possibleThe Crone comes dancing Silently, powerfully, relentlessly, To all ~unknown~

My Blog

Meet Simone

Welcomed to our family on April 8, 2007
Posted by Idhunn on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 02:56:00 PST

Searching for Lifes Deepest Meaning:

Lessons from a Dying Midlife WomanBy Jennifer Wright   In July this year I received a most distressing call from my sister-in-law, Pauli.  She had found a lump under her arm and was very con...
Posted by Idhunn on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 04:28:00 PST

A Charge

I am the quickening of the seed in Springtime, the glory of ripe fields in Summer, and the peace of the quiet woods as the snow calms the Earth in Winter. I am the lilt of the maiden's melody in the m...
Posted by Idhunn on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 07:20:00 PST

Thoughts Welcome

I havent been around much..I lost my beloved familiar unexpectedly. I am just so overcome with a piece of me died off..I work with death all the time and have lost family members as well. ...
Posted by Idhunn on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 05:37:00 PST

Wiccan Tea Ceremony

This is something I use in my life on a regular basis. I have pasted a general outline for the rite that can be found on the internet. In my personal life I use this for many things like welcomin...
Posted by Idhunn on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 08:38:00 PST

Holly and the Ivy

The Holly King has ruled usAll through the waning days.As chosen of the Summer MaidThrough the autumn's chill he stays.But the Holly King must fallAs is the ancient way.And the Reborn Sun, the Oaken K...
Posted by Idhunn on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 07:57:00 PST

Samhain Poem by Lark

Hearken Now the Darkness Comes! Mists gather in the valleys and pour down the ancient riverbeds to the darkening sea. Gone the fires of autumn's glory, lost to the legions of cloud-swept days and chil...
Posted by Idhunn on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 12:06:00 PST

Samhain Night by Elsbeth Sapphire

They met over the Samhain fire. Lady and Lord. Woman and Man. Her eyes were deep and dark--the sort of eyes a man could get lost in and wander an eternity. She jumped the balefire, her head throw...
Posted by Idhunn on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 12:02:00 PST

Inspirational Story

I got this story from They have many wonderful newsletters and articles. I liked this resonated with me because I often feel life has passed me by. I dont think about all the ...
Posted by Idhunn on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 07:44:00 PST


The Lady watched the Men and Women, looking thru the eyes of a myriad of Women, children, young girls, mothers, daughters, wives, lovers....all of the Women there were in the World. And She saw that,...
Posted by Idhunn on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 06:53:00 PST