Travel,Music,Food (cooking and eating!),Art, Fashion, Reading,Meditation,Writing Poetry/Songs,Singing,Dance,Doing Business,and HAVING FUN!
Business men and women who understand the principle of collective work and responsibility.
Whatever is good to me at the time.
Psycological Thrillers, Scientific Apocolyptic Dramas, Comedies
Not much
Too many to name but The 4 Agreements,The Hermetic Kybalion, and The Bluest Eye, are my favorites.
G.O.D.,my mom, my grandmother, my aunts, my sister,my friends, Oprah, Kimora Lee, "Celie", "Sug", Fannie Lou Hammer, Angela Davis, Tina Turner, Erykah Badu, Amel Larieux, Lauren Hill, Tyra Banks, Condelezza Rice, Billy Holiday, Josephine Baker, etc.....the list continues as I gain knowledge of more women that inspire me.