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FaN SiGNZ Da BeST 1'S GeT GeT PuT oN MY PaGe So MaKe Ya BoY SoMeMoRe
Myspace Layouts - Image Hosting - Comments
FaN SiGNZ Da BeST 1'S GeT GeT PuT oN MY PaGe So MaKe Ya BoY SoMeMoRe
Member Since: 29/02/2008
Band Members: Jamahl Phillips A.K.A Lil Hu$tle
About you
Name: LiL Hu$TLe
Brithday: aPRiL oNe oNe LoL!!! aPRiL 11TH 4 Da SLoW
Current Location: MY RooM
Height: 5'11
Sex: WiT DA NeXT FeMaLe WHo TaLKiN RiGHT LoL!!! iMa MaLe oF CouRSe
Shoe size: 12 N a HaLF LaDiES LoVe DaT
Right or left handed: BoTH BuT MoSTLY RiGHT HaNDeD
Color: BLaCK GoLD N SiLVeR
number: 3
food: PoRK CHoPZ
drink: aRiZoNa GRaPeaDe
sport: BaSKeTBaLL
sex position: iT DoNT MaTTeR BuT iLL MaKe Ya JuiCeBoX DRiP GiRL
person to be around: i aM SoMeTiMeZ BuT NoT aLL Da TiMe
place to be kissed at: MY NeCK LaiDiES TaKe NoTeZ
animal: iMa DoG
Have you
Skinny dipped: Yea
been f**ked in the ass: NoT LiKe 2 MeN FuCKiN ToGeTHa iN a BeD NaKeD (SouLPLaNE) LoL!!! MaN HeLL No
been in a fight : Yea
flashed someone: Yea i uSe 2 aLL Da TiMe CuZ GiRLZ uSe Ta TRY Me LiKe i WaS LiL BuT i CHaNGeD THeiR MiNDS
been rejected: Yea N NoW GueSS WHaT DaT BiTCH aSKeD Me 4 MY NuMBeR Da oTHeR DaY i ToLD HeR aSS FuCK u u SHouLDa BeeN GaVe Me Yo NuMBeR
broken someone's heart: Yea iM SoRRY Boo SiKe!!! M.o.B LiL Hu$TLe So SaVaGe
wanted to have sex with the same sex: NoT LiKe 2 MeN FuCKiN ToGeTHa iN a BeD NaKeD (SouLPLaNE) LoL!!! MaN HeLL No
used someone: Yea
been in the opposite sexes bathroom: Yea Da oTHeR NiGHT i WaS HiGH aS HeLL N WaSN'T PaYiN aTTeNTioN 2 WHeRe Da HeLL i WaS GoiN LoL!!!
seen one of your friends naked: Yea GiRLZ
eaten dog food: No eVeN THo iMa DoG LoL!!!
gone down on someone: Yea iM NoT GoN Lie i Do iT GooD THo LoL!!!
fallen asleep in school aLL Da MuTHa FuCKiN TiMe iDK HoW i GRaDuaTeD
Do you
smoke: Yea i JuS FiNiSHeD
drink: Yea NoT LiKe i uSeD 2 THo
swear: Yea u HeaRD
sing: NaH
play with yourself: iN Yo GiRL MouTH LoL!!!
go to school: iM FiNiSHeD
want to get Married: Yea
think you are Attractive: HeLL Yea BiTCH iM LiL Hu$TLe LoL!!!
Turn-offs: aTTiTuDeZ ND STuPiD BiTCHeZ LoL!!!
Do you get jealous of your boyfriends/girlfriends other exes: No aCTuaLLY i B HaPPY 4 MY eX'S
Turn-ons: long hair DoN'T CaRe
How is your hair: &..39;
Have you ever done it doggie: Yea iMa DoG DuH LoL!!!
Do you kiss on the first date: SoMeTiMeZ
Do you keep your eyes open when you kiss: Yea
Would you date or marry someone if your parents or friends didn't accept them? Yea aS LoNG aS iM HaPPY DaTZ aLL DaT MaTTeRZ
Ever thought of Suicide: Yea
Music: WeLL i LiSTeN 2 MYSeLF, GuCCi MaNe, o.J. Da JuiCeMaN, DeViN THe DuDe, LiL WaYNe, BooSie MaN i CouLD Go aLL DaY
Known the longest: JoSH
Is Like family: aLL MY NiGGaZ ReaLLY
Knows you the best: JoSH
Tell everything too: RaHSaN
Makes you smile: DaTZ SouND KiNDa GaY So uMM NeXT QueSTioN LoL!!!
Funniest: Me, VoN, aND WiNSToN
Trust: aLL MY ReaL NiGGaZ
Most Hyper: Me
Cutest boy/girl: Me
Hugged: SHaNTiaRa DaTZ MY NiGGa SHe CooL aS HeLL No Lie
Checked out: SoMe GiRL WHo WaLKeD iM SoRRY T
Wearing: BaSKeTBaLL SHoRTS
Eating: iCe CReaM
Feeling: very sad NaH CouLDN'T B BeTTeR
Reading: MY MeSSaGeS
Chatting with: Ki Ki
Watching: the news NoT RiGHT NoW BCuZ iTZ NoT oN LoL!!!
listening to music: Yea MYSeLF
Craving: SeX
More Random
Your Best Physical Feature: MY LiPZ
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yea oN NeW YeaRZ
Your Most Missed Memory: MY LiL SiSTeR
Weakness: GiRLZ
Do you see yourself with any one of your friends in the next 5 years: aNYTHiNGZ PoSSiBLe iF 1 oF THeSe GiRLZ STaRT TaLKiN RiGHT LoL!!!
Perfect Pizza: CHeeSe
Chocolate or Vanilla: CHoCoLaTe
what schools have to went to WeST CHaRLoTTe HiGH
hate anyone: Yea
who: MY DaD CuZ He a BiTCH aSS NiGGa Yea i SaiD iT aND FuCK NiGGa
depressed: NaH
Happy: Yea
Influences: My biggest influence is my mom thats about it
Sounds Like:I sound like my self lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Type of Label: Unsigned