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About Me

You are Iron Man Iron Man 95% Green Lantern 90% The Flash 70% Robin 57% Spider-Man 55% Superman 50% Catwoman 45% Hulk 40% Wonder Woman 30% Supergirl 25% Batman 20% Inventor. Businessman. Genius.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All my mates from he-man.org. One day, guysAny of the Fuzzchicks.


We've got a Fuzzbox and we're gonna use it, ViX Babes in Toyland, t.A.T.U,Girls aloud, The Darkness, The Cure, Tura satana, The Primitives,Veruca salt,Smashing Pumpkins,Doctor & the medics, Whale, Psycho Le Cemu,Idlewild, Transvision Vamp, The Smiths, Shonen Knife,Kasabian


Toons - Masters of the Universe, Fraggle Rock, X-Men, ThunderCats, TMNTComedy - Little Britain, Nighty Night, Peep Show,Mitchell and Webb,Spaced, Frasier, Malcolm In the Middle, Red Dwarf, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American dad, South ParkSci-Fi/Fantasy - Doctor Who, Torchwood, Primeval, Sarah Jane, Farscape, Lexx, Firefly, Monkey


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You are Michael.
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My Blog

Monkey/Saiyuki Remake!!!

Im so excited. I just found out that the recent japanese remake of Monkey is out out on DVD and HAS ENGLISH SUBTITLES I'd not be surprised if thats a mistake, but I found a very cheap copy on ebay and...
Posted by Havoc on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 04:31:00 PST

More Bush fun

BBC news just went to a LIVE clip of George Bush talking to Tony Blair (seemingly without his knowledge!!!) and he was saying to Tony 'We need to get Sryria to stop doing this shit' The news lady di...
Posted by Havoc on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 04:03:00 PST

Oh it's good to know, tomorrow, you are comin' home..

Well, not tomorrow, but tonight (I was too tired to post last night..)For Andy, my angel intercepter ;) (even though he won't join myspace and see this. meh)Looking forward to the hols :D...
Posted by Havoc on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 06:07:00 PST