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lucky smut

About Me

TIME HAS MOVED ON.. US- COOPER AND JONES HAVE EXPANDED DISTANCE, ONE TO LYON AND THE OTHER TO LONDON - TOWNS APART. PERHAPS THE BEGINNING AND ENDING ARE STILL TO PASS, WE'LL REUNITE SOME SUNNY DAY AND LET THEE KNOW ALL ABOUT EET. INNEREET.ONCE TWINS SEPARATED AT BIRTH, SOPHIE COOPER AND KELLY JONES HAVE over the last few years of 2005, 2006 and 2007 REDISCOVERED THEIR PSYCHIC GUITAR RAPPORT. It may be difficult but fair to say that neither FINGER TAPPER [sofie] nor ARPEGGIATING VIRTUOSO [kellyjayne] had been in a real ROCKANDROLL band before now. Since, they have played with some very amazing people and experienced a premier UK Tour 2007. Today at request, In harlequin robes they clomp gracefully with cement clogs on the flat top box coffins of several old folk guitar players and similar, flouting / flaunting disregard for the things they, you and Us All hold to be acoustically INappropriate; RECKLESSLY/METICULOUSLY CRAFTING PROGRESSIVE SHARDS OF FRAGILE TIGHTLY KNITTED SWIRLING STEEL STRUNG FOLK.Releases: Cooperjonesnichols – Structure of Joi (2006 Hearing Aid Tapes and 2007 re-release CDR)THIS HAS HAD A REVIEW ON : THIS MAKES US HAPPY :) They are a guitar/guitar/drums trio, you know, the same lineup as, oh, Lambsbread and (certain eras of) the aforementioned Harry Pussy, and with Stuckometer and Milk Teeth still ringing in my ears, I expected more of the same (insane noise rock splatter). But hey, I’m excited to report that CJN throw curves with quietude, restraint, and acoustic guitars, playing out-there, angular, adventurous, rather melodic, exploratory free skiffle with a nice 80s DIY rainy-day melancholy undercurrent (thanks to distinct basement-hollow home-taper sound that is quite a bit grungier than the songs on their MySpace). This would make a nice 7-inch! But you know cassette EPs rule too.......Cooperjones – ‘Never Dirty’ (2007 Blackest Rainbow Records CDR) CHECK OUT REVIEWS OF BLACKEST RAINBOW's superb RELEASES at: p;entry=entry070327-012208Influences: Diamanda Galas, Ben Reynolds, Renbourn and Jansch,Played with; Vialka, Stuckometer, Herman Dune, 7Hertz , Hamilton Yarns, Dylan Nyoukis, Phil Minton and Roger Turner, Chris Corsano and Mick Flower, Ben Reynolds, White Magic, Smear Campaign, Voice of the Seven Woods, Jez Riley French, Okkyung Lee

My Interests


Member Since: 3/9/2006
Band Members: Cooper beaucoup des temps - GuitarJones(beaucoup des temps ) - GuitarNichols quelquefois - DrumsJoincey une fois et on espere plus - Shruti box
Influences: - The Musicrooom, was where it all began. Our worlds were freshened by the pure non static air of SOT - a small quintessential group hung around the Talbot for Days- watching music that opened our mouths, stiffened our backs. We are all different now and moved on to different thigs but this was our beginning and unending defining memories of how we were. Ben Reynolds - pelt, cul-de-sc, will oldham- Yes, progressive rock has done wonders. - Pascal - Fruit Saloon -NO neck blues - gang gang dance, donald byrd, Yo La Tengo, Sculptress, Labi Siffre, , , Our Beautiful Ridiculous Plan, Stuckometer, Chris Corsano:) - Smear Campaign, - Andy Jarvis, Reiko Kudo, Leopard Leg, Ashtray Navigations, Tara Jane O'Neil, Nina Nastasia,, Jack Rose, John O, Stoke on Trent, Joincey boo.. DrAGoNs Of DesTiNy, HarM PartS, jAMES bLACKSHAW xxxx
Sounds Like: Soft watery notes dripping off a high cliff overlooking the canyons of The Forever that exists in our hearts and minds and hands to us on copper-leaf treadmills the essence of our physical mortality.
Record Label: Hearing aid, Curor recordings, Blackest rainbow
Type of Label: None

My Blog

CooPERJoNES ON TOUR -details

hello, soffy and keli are looking for gigs in the Uk during the febuary half term (we work for a college and a university incase you were interested) these dates are from the 9th - 16th (ish if you ha...
Posted by cooperjones on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 04:05:00 PST