I like writing, making movies, acting, exploring abandoned buildings, dumpster diving, my wifes needs and conspiracy theories.
If I had a time machine I would meet Ghandi, Lao Tzu, Pope John Paul, Dostoevsky, Jello Biafra, Hugo Chavez, George Orwell, J.D. Salinger and the apostle Paul even though I'd probably feel all awkward. he'd be like what's wrong and then rebuke me for not having my eyes on Christ.
I like it when musicians are actually original. I like Johnny Cash, The Who, Queen, David Bowie, Rolling Stones, Frank Sinatra, Pink Floyd, Damien Jurado, the Smiths, Black Sabbath, the old Misfits, Los Tigres Del Norte, Dead Kennedys, Keith Green and some 80's music, but it's wearing on me. I actually like alot of music as long is it doesn't seem contrived and doesn't sound like every other band in that genre.
I like movies with depth to them that somewhat show how people would really act in a given situation. Not cliche hollywood movies like formula romance, formula action, formula horror. My favorite movie are Crash, Magnolia, The thin red line, Hotel Rwanda, Resevoir Dogs, and Pulp Fiction. ( yeah I know Tarantino Movies don't follow those guidelines but this is My space not yours.) and for fun Christploitation films like Left behind or the Omega Code and other God bless america films that have horrible acting, script and shoddy theology.
CSI, Dawsons Creek, X-files, Freaks and Geeks (when it was on) and Curb your enthusiasm. The reason why real life TV is so popular is because americans aren't creative anymore. I guess american brand christianity still can influence people.
I'm currently reading Dante's Inferno. I like Dostoevsky, George Orwell And the bible.
Jesus, My father-inlaw, Johnny Cash, this one nun I knew at a convent I worked at, Elder Zosima and the city of Evanston, Gahndi,and Mr. Spock .