I live away from all of my friends, but I have new friends here,they just speak another language. I try to keep in contact with my friends but its like a part time job, and I like to take lots of vacations.
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If a person of greater weight and a person of lesser weight go on the same diet, i.e. eat the exact same food and the same amount of food and drink the same amount of liquids, yet both remain the exact same weight, what would this mean? Yes we know that the person of lesser weight is supposed to have a higher metabolism or be able to process foods better, but does that mean there getting less nutrition or nutrients out of there food? If it does I feel cheated, I wan´t to keep this metabolism as slow as possible, I wan´t as much nutrition for my buck as I can get give me the B12. Any thoughts on this would help, my hero is the person that can answer me this