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SOW i t 2 REAP i t

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S T U D y - H i G h E R~P o W e R - 2 - F O L L O
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ***********************************************************F or az' long az' di' moon will RISE , For az' long az' di' rivers will FLOW , For az' long az' di' sun will SHINE , For az' long az' di' grass will GROW , Let us know iNNer-peaCe, 'cause that's home ....WHO~det'~be~tho'?? - iz' det' SPiRitUaLized RiP-RaPPeR....... "NoShow" a.k.a. "YaNg" a.k.a. "DA' KiD" a.k.a. "MOPFACE"jU' FiLL' MiH' ??Di'~tRUUF'~do~tellz'~it; 'n' MiH' QUOtE.... " Your mercy iz' infinite, something det' "YaNg"(MiH') will never fully understand. DA' KiD"(MiH') iz' ah' miracle of GOD!! Your infinite mercy haz' made MiH' ah' new individuaALity' ... "MOPFACE"(MiH') haz' converted into ONE with you, "CHRIST~Jeez" ... yE, MiH' life iz' yourz' ... 'n' MiH' could accomplish your work, or better-so said, it iz' you, who accomplish it thru MiH'. All det' iz' in MiH', iz' fruitful, 'cause it draws [all of] it's strength from you 'n' yourz' [HiS Holiness]. Aay', Di'~LAWD' haz' conquered MiH'self....MiH' LORD.... "YaNg" surrender everytiNg'-tiNg' [even nOw] "!!********************************************************* **
***********************************************************' CauSe GOD really iz' REmeDy ... 'n' di' only QuotiENt to-this, iz' CHRIST...."MOPFACE" tell 'et, 2-'eM.

My Interests
I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!


WRITING mine~LYRICS, MAKING mine~MUSIC, PUTTIN' MORE ALBUMS OWt' ... cuz'~us got to spread oWt' ... also MiH' practice dem' P.M. DRiLLz'(Prayer thru Meditation drills) ... diz'~LIFE, iz' 'oll 'bout CONNECTIN' WITH "GOD" ON BASIS-DAILY [tRu' HiS SoN], aAy', 'n' can't forget aboWt' NBA BASKETBALL [greatest game on di' planet].$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$Di' TruthFuu' ;GOD iz', Di'~CReatoR 'n' Di'~RuleR of this universe. HE iz' eTeRNaLLy existent in three persons: Di' FaTHer, Di' SoN, 'n' Di' HoLy SPiRit. These three be co-equal oNez', it iz' oNe, GOD [also].$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$Jesus thee' CHRIST ;MiH' beliee' det' HE iz' GOD'z SoN. HE wuz' born az' both GOD 'n' mAn, HE lived ah' sinless life, 'n' died to SAVE dem' sins det' humanity been born-into, + HE wuz' buried, surpassed HELL, 'n' also risen-UP from uh' grave, 'n' denn' LIFTED up-into heaven, 'n'-also HE will return to Earth [DEM' ATHEIST-folk BEST BUCKLE-UP(get it 2-getHa')]!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$MiH' beliee' det' Di' HoLy~SPiRit~of~GOD(which iz' HiS poWer within us [believerz']) takes over each 'n' every [first 'n' final] believer det' haz' built A Relationship IN "Jesus CHRIST", 'n' det' HE iz' an abiding-HelPeR, + ah' TeAcHer, 'n' GuiDe. MiH' beliee' det' Jesus CHRIST baptizes di' seekin'-believer with Di' HoLy SPiRit 'n' DET' power for service which iz' ah' distinct work from di' inner-charging of HiS HoLy SPiRit. Di' HoLy SPiRit desirez' to fill each believer continually with increased power for Christian life 'n' witness, 'n'-also, supplies miNe with HiS SuPeRnAtuRaL gifts for di' wellness of miH' individuality 'n' for MUCH MORE denn' could be 'xplained. Conclusively, MiH' beliee' in Di' RealiStiCal HoLy SPiRit 'n' in di' exercise of all dem' biblical gifts WHICH BE DRAWN FROM di' inner-spirit [PRAYER thRu MEDITATION woRkx']$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ETeRNity ;MankiNd wuz' created to exist forever, 'n' ever. He will either exist eTeRNaLLy separated from GOD, by unacceptance 'n' disbelief, or in union with GOD, tRu' forgiveness 'n' salvation. To be eTeRNaLLy separated from GOD iz' HELL-o. To be eTeRNaLLy in union with HiM iz' eTeRNaL life. Heaven 'n' Hell be places of eTeRNaL existence$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$1:1: In di' beginning [even before di' beginning], GOD created di' heavenz' 'n' di' Earth. + + + + + + + exTRa C R U C I F I X E S + + + + + + +MiH' BELIEVE in di' regular taking of Sabbath az' an act of remembering what Di' Lord-Jesus did for us in regardz' to our final destination.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$MiH' BELIEVE det' every believer should be in ah' growing relationship with CHRIST by obeying GOD's WoRd, 'n' dwelling in Di' HoLy SPiRit, and, by being comforted to di' image of CHRIST [....acceptance by FAitH] ... now-HOW 'boUt det'-tHo'?? Tell dem' cRitic'!!!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$

I'd like to meet:

ALOTTA' RILL' EMCEES...B-REAL of CYPRESS HILL, Cee-LO, BIZZY BONE, SUB-ZERO, KINTO SOL, CONTROL MACHETee', WITCHDOCTOR, PSYCHO REALM, CANIBUS, CAPONE, REMEDY, K-OS, SADAT X, MUGGS 'n' SENDOG, y el TEGO CALDE--, also DAMION MARLEY, JAH' CURE, MATISYAHU, ORISHAS(dem' which be from Cuba) ....... + SOUNDGARDEN, CAKE, SYSTEM OF A DOWN....any-dem' deep-doWn 'n' really-RiLL' inDiViDuALz'. ........................................................... plus~plus: LADIES OR WOMEN DEt' GOT 'NUFF TALENT TO TOUCH MiH' INNER SPIRIT [yE, leZ' mEEt 'em] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++w
BE WHERE NO FICTION B-at$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$Di' POINT OF *ALL* CREATION iz' SELF-SACRIFICE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$Di' CALL to conVeRt to holineSS....det'-deh'(that-there) haz' already been made, 2-MiH' [by GOD]!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$"NoShow" a.k.a. "YaNg" a.k.a. "DA' KiD" a.k.a. "MOPFACE"

(1st album tracks, info. 'bout background, etc.)

LISTEN-IT...RAP, IT BE di' MUSIC det' MiH' WRITE 'n' PERFORM. BUT RAP iz' ON AH' WRONG ROUTE tho'. GENERALLY, OVERALL ... SO MiH' simply PREFER TO LISTEN TO REGGAE MUSIC, ARTISTS iz' MORE, ABOUT TRUUF'(truth) [moral-2-it].%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%'n' DEM' emcees do gotS to BE 'kReepY', spirituALLy~creepin'~oWn'~det'~f i C t i O n%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


"MOPFACE"(MiH') lifespan rotAte in order to cleaN-UP tHa' plaCe ... dig thisSs ; RRReALisTicaLLy "YaNg"(MiH') AM DA' FILM [I 'n' I fully] , 'n' ALSO "DA' KiD"(MiH') BE tHa' STARRiNG ROLE , 'n' MiH' OWN DIRECTOR also , CRITICS ENVISION det', 'CAUSE diz' iz' ah' miniature portion ["NoShow"-BIOGRAPHiCaL] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


F I G H T D i ' F L E S H T O M i H' D O O M S D A Y ! ! ! !... t.v. iz' NOTHIN'(ziRo')!! IF IT STARTED IN DA' 21st CENTURY....IT BE WACK 'n' HYPED-UP kiNda'-PROGRAMMING....


ExTRa tANx' oUt to mine-meNtaLity daz' kept~FuLFiLLeD with "HiS CRUCiFiXioN" iMaGeRy, yE, UP-'n'-in-et'. FuRtHeRmO'-sUm'(Furthermore-some) ; [CHRIST], 'n' so miH'-read dem' : SPIRITUAL BOOKS, EVANGELISM-RELATED, MEDITATIVE TOPICS, Di' HoLy BiBLe, etc. ['n' tRu' it *all*...."GOD" sTeeL'(still) winz']====================================================== =====


MiH' DO REAP WHAT MiH' SOW , ..HIGHER~POWER.. SOUND OFF , due timE [in time due]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

My Blog

**** 4-D-CROSSING ****

**** 4-D-CROSSING **** ....If MiH' vision(S) will hurt no~man, denn', why not do what iz' necessary for all this [which iz' viewable fromwithin] to take place?? Meaning, since it's gonna' bring happin...
Posted by NoShow on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 02:20:00 PST

Diz’ iz’ JUST ’et [KNOW THIS] ;

Posted by NoShow on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:52:00 PST

**** CONVERSION ****

**** CONVERSION **** MiH' had to learn ['n' teach] MiH'self to *let go* 'n' *let GOD*. Aay', furthermore, when change takesplace, no matter what kinda' change haz' taken place, just, welcome this, 'ca...
Posted by NoShow on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 02:21:00 PST

gWAAt’ iz’ [BLEs-seD]??

**** BLES-SED **** EverytiNg', iz' ah' gift. Di' extent to which di' individual knowz' this *truth* iz' ah' certain-measurement of di'individualz' gratefulness, for this temporary 'n' brief existence....
Posted by NoShow on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 02:54:00 PST