I like meeting all kinds of people. You wouldn't know it to meet me, but I am painfully shy and mask it with assertive & funny friendliness. I'm learning to not be so judgemental of myself and others and just let 'it' be.
I like all kindsa music. Music is one thing in my life that I really really enjoy. I have been blessed with making some friends in music and you can find lots of them here on MySpace! You can find them in my friends list.
I like everything from ABBA to Zepplin pretty much. I am lyrically driven for the most part, but give me a hot drummer and well I won't pay much attention to whatever else is going on in the song. Learning to play the drums is on my list of things to do in this lifetime.Living Luminaries ON THE SERIOUS BUSINESS OF HAPPINESS , An Inconvenient Truth . I love Spritual Cinema Circle.
Don't seem to watch it anymore.
Most of my favorite reading is spiritually based, autobiographical and has touched me sometimes to the point of bringing about life affecting change in my perception. I am a student of A Course In Miracles these days.
♥ Slum (God). My sisters. Anyone who has been told "you can't" and had the vision, courage and tenacity to do it anyway!♥