Since i’m 16 i make beats on my laptop. At the time it was on Reason 2.0 or Fruity Loops, so I discovered Dance eJay when I was 13 but it doesn’t count. That was fucking ugly. But in 2006 i decided to make something good. I put that on a myspace page without real ambition, but a very crazy guy called Pierre The Motionless ( thought that was great sounds (sometimes i think he’s deaf because at the time that was really not great, so we can excuse him he has lot of talent). So he propose me to make a show with him. I refuse because i had two songs and i don’t really know how to make a show. My first show was in November 2006 thanks to Pierre and Snugbox.
Since 2006 i covered a lot of ground. Now i’m a part of the Sous Marin team (, I make beats for Delectable ( ), I worked with people as Pierre The Motionless of course, David (, the Molly’s ( I’m a part of the crazy DJ duo Rampage ( with Kramer Mc Barrett.
For the production I work on Reason 4.0 and Ableton live 6 with a U-C33e controller and a KeyControl49 midi keyboard. For live I use Ableton Live 6 with the UC33e and a KaossPad3. It doesn’t take any space for a show.
I have made a lot of show in Amiens (Me Myspace My Band Party at La Lune des Pirates, shows in few bars (Ring Ding, Grand Wazoo, Australian Bar, L’Atelier,...)) or in Dieppe (Madison, Mieux Ici Qu’en Face,...). I participated at few festivals as La Grande Marmite in Eu (fr. 76) (with great bands as Bumcello, Bikini Machine, Pravda,...) or Les Essertival in Lavacquerie (fr. 60) (with other greats bands as Oregone, Tiivii, James P Honey, EPhone, Zoën, Funken, Roma,...).