Fast Fission profile picture

Fast Fission

turtles upon turtles all the way down

About Me

School, Work, Drink, BLAH!!!

My Interests

Working on my Mustang, Traveling, Saving up to move to Florida, Learning new things Trying to be a good person

I'd like to meet:

People who are not phony. I hate phony people. Just be yourself and I'm cool with you.


Beatles, Karl Densen, Alice in Chains, STP, BEP, to name a few. I basically like anything that is cool. I like all styles, even some country ;)


Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, 1984, Sidhartha, Crime and Punishment, The Alchemist, Catch-22, Christene


General William T. Sherman

My Blog

My Exit From New Jersey

Later Suckers!!  Only a couple of weeks left in this stink hole.  Can't wait to be lying on the beach in sunny Florida.  I hate this state, and all its phony ass people that live here.&...
Posted by Fast Fission on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 10:00:00 PST

The Dogs of War

    We as a race are such violent creatures.  We wage war over oil. We exterminate whole cultures over religion.  Why?  To protect our way of life?  The more I look ...
Posted by Fast Fission on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 10:05:00 PST