Teksuo surge como una idea de dos personas: Adrián y Constan, antiguos miembros de A SouL InsidE.
Después de la disolución de dicho grupo, empiezan a diseñar su nuevo proyecto, y una cosa era clara, querÃan aumentar la contundencia que A SouL InsidE tenia. Con esa premisa nace Teksuo, ser un grupo con claras tendencias Metal/hardcore de temas duros y con un buen directo.
Asà comienzan la búsqueda de las personas que les acompañaran en Teksuo, para finalmente dar con las piezas que encajan perfectamente en el esquema del grupo: Rafa se encargara de las guitarras, y Dani cantante del grupo S.T.I.G.M.A.T.A. hará su trabajo a las voces. Al cabo de un tiempo en el cual se empieza a desarrollar una demo, la necesidad de incorporar un nuevo guitarra sale a la luz, dando lugar a pruebas a diversos guitarristas, hasta el momento en que encontramos la pieza clave: Xuan.
Ahora lo que empezó siendo cosa de dos pasa a ser responsabilidad de los cinco. Cinco personas con ganas de demostrar en directo su trabajo, y poder ver la reacción de la gente ante tal. En definitiva: Teksuo esta listo, cosa que han demostrado con creces en diversas ocasiones, compartiendo escenario con bandas como Cuernos De Chivo, Aphonnic, Barón Rojo, Factor x, 1000es, The Band Apart...
Durante principios de 2008 el grupo tiene como meta la grabación de su primer CD split que constará de 3 temas propios junto al de otros grupos nacionales, y que sin duda captará la fuerza que el grupo despliega en directo, asà como seguir realizando la grabacion de su primer trabajo que algun dÃa vera la luz.
Teksuo starts off being the idea of two people: Adrian and Constan, former members of A SouL InsidE, band with which they got good reviews of their show with Dixebra and Obus, and also of the stuff uploaded to the internet, which people appreciated.
After the band broke up, they started working on their new project, and one thing was clear: They wanted to increase A SouL InsidE heaviness.
With that premise Teksuo is born to be a band of Metal tendencies, with hard songs and a good live performance. So they start looking for the
people who will join them in Teksuo, to finally find the pieces that fit perfectly in the band scheme: Rafa will take the guitar work, and Dani, singer of S.T.I.G.M.A.T.A., will so his job with the vocals. After a while, when the recording of what is gonna be the band..s demo was starting to take place, the need for a new guitar player showed up, leading to a number of try outs which finished when we found the perfect match: Xuan.
Now what started being a two people thing turns into the responsability of these five. Five people willing to show their work onstage and see peoples reaction to it...
Summing it up: Teksuo is ready and that was demostrated easily many times, taking their powerfull show to cities like Oviedo, Gijón or Mieres. Sharing stage with bands like Cuernos De Chivo, Aphonnic, Barón Rojo, Factor x, 1000es, The Band Apart...
During early 2008 the group's goal is recording their first split CD with other three spanish metal bands, and that would certainly capture the strength that the group unfolds live, as well as continue recording his first job which one day it will see the light.
Contact: Constantino Mortera.
Telf: (+34)650002590
[email protected]