Llaeza (Primer tema) profile picture

Llaeza (Primer tema)

About Me

Llaeza ye un grupu de folk asturianu de la villa de Llanes. El nome'l grupu vien d'una pallabra propia de la Xiriga, fala emplegada polos teyeros del conceyu llaniscu, y la so traducción ye "allá lloñe". Xurde nel branu de 2007, cuando cuatro collacios de la Banda Gaites Llacín se xuntaben pa tocar en sesiones, pa llueu siguir pol camín de la composición de temes propios y la igua de temes tradicionales y d'otros grupos. El sen musical de Llaeza ta basau na influencia de grupos del panorama folk asturianu, anque tamién con toques del folk atlánticu en xeneral. La reellaboración de temes tradicionales asturianos, composiciones del grupu y la adautación de temes foriatos son el xeitu que tien el grupu de facer que la cultura del país nun s'escaeza, sobretou ente les xeneraciones moces como ye la del grupu, nel que la media d'edá ye de 19 años.
Llaeza is an Asturian folk band in Llanes. It is named after a word taken from Xiriga, a slang used by the brickworkers of the Llanes area. The translation is "far away". It emerged in 2007 during the summer. Four members from the Llacín Pipe Band joined up to play in jam-sessions. Then they've continued composing their own themes and arranging traditional themes and some from other groups. The musical setting of Llaeza is based on the influence of other groups of the Asturian folk, although it has bits of the Atlantic folk in general. The reproducing of traditional Asturian themes, group compositions and adapted foreign themes are the means which the group uses so as to preserve our own culture of the region. This may help new generations, especially all the youth who are in our group and whose average age is 19.

My Interests


Member Since: 17/05/2008
Band Members:
J. Antonio Alvar Rozas: Bodrhan, Udú, Caxón Flamencu.

Diego Rodriguez Arias: Guitarres.

José Cotera Serrano: Vigulín, Bouzouki.

Manuel Quesada Fdez.: Flautes, Whistle.

Influences: Felpeyu, Llan de Cubel, Lúnasa, The Tannahill Weavers, Flook, Solas, Dervish, Blima, Corquieu, DRD, Tuenda, J. Michael Veillon, Martin Hayes, Liz Carroll, Eileen Ivers, Michael McGoldrick, At First Light, Paddy Glackin, Kornog, Niundes, Danu, Daimh, Igor Medio & Lisardo Prieto, Fred Morrison, Kevin Crawford, Rubén Bada, etc...
Record Label: sin contrato discográfico

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