Na'Kari Blurr-Foot profile picture

Na'Kari Blurr-Foot


About Me

Immature at the best of times, too serious the rest o' time. Outwardly passive, inwardly decisive. FIERCE. Crimi-nimi-nal Individual. Ventrilo-pissed Oximoron McSchpeiler Specatular backfire. Hypno-thera-pissed. Sharp of eye, quick of wit, slow of tongue. Accept challenge. No offence is unintended, ya gets? I believe in the forgotten art of adventure, loyalty and romance, but I am not gay. My eyes change from grey to green and my beard contains whiskers in all the colours of the rainbow, a damn laser show coming out my face. I will be killed many times, but I will not die. Really though, I am all heart, Lionheart that is.... I cant think of anything more to big myself up.

Hmmmm. What to say that can not be worked out from my pictures? I just moved back to London after almost 10 years in yorkshire. Londoners drive faster but walk so slow, i feel like carrying the lameoz. I work in an editing studio for a certain televsion channel. I am at constant war with myself, battling the temptation to broadcast some HOMO-NECRO-BEASTIAL-PEADO-FILTH Porn to the innocents that watch it.
I would die for my friends and family, which means I get a lot of shit off them all and must take it like a man. Its an uphill struggle not to tell them all to fuck off forever, what would you do if everyone you love greets you with a broom to the face? Only playing; they are all such wonderous human beings! Cos my ways are mystic!

My Interests

My only purpose in life to score handstand goals in football. If I am not busy doing that here is a brief list of the things that take my fancy, (in no particular order, mark ye this well):

Photography, Film, Martial Arts, Parkour, writing novels, horror films, Dodgy hair on women, Tattoos on women, Piercings on women, dog bombs, waterfalls, Lions, wierd shit, occult, zodiac, chinese zodiac, palmistry, magic, astral projection, comics and comickery, good and healthy food, dancing very badly, internet joking and net choking, Hygene, Wing Chun, yoga, tai chi, french hip hop, swimming, football, rugby, scuba, windsurf, running, boxing, wrestling, brawling, torture, software developement, physics, astrology, satelites, rocket science, phatty-mongery and generally trying to do everything with a little bit of smart kung fu arrogant surgical precision. If not i'll have to settle for falling on my teeth with a bit of grace..... but what i really like to do is spread words like SHITGEEK as often as i can. Thanks douchea class="popup_wrapper" style="background-color:transparent!important;cursor:default ;left:-132px;top:-89px;height:6362px;width:1106px;"class=pop up_x href="" da$d

I'd like to meet:

People that talk for ages in a monotone voice, without getting to the point. They ramble on, taking too long to say what could be told in seconds, generally giving little or no information in that lengthy time. These are the kinds of people that can not listen because what they say is far too important to let someone else talk. Broadcast on, recieve off. - If you are one of thse people, please ramble on at me because I have nothing better to do with my life than to listen to your brain destroying drone. Thanks.

also.. I would like to meet: Any Leos.

The BUMFIGHTS crew. (Free the BUMFIGHTS crew !!!)

Americans that hate america.

Anyone from Hull that doesn't love me is not as cool as they think.

Tony Benn - the Best ever politican bar none, should have made him PM.

Bryan Blessed - the Best Englishman ever, should be King of England.

Kitano Takeshi - Best Actor, should be Emperor of Japan.

Dead People like Andy Kaufman and Salvatore Dali, for thier hearts and minds, they must fuck with people.

I would NOT like to meet Uncle Chopper, i have heard what he does to cocky people like me. Check out Overstand song on his profile to get the concept.

Oh yea, then there is little old you. I dont mind meeting anyone of any belief from any depth, sunk from any level. But why on gods earth would you want to meet me? you need help babe. }---

---[ That was then, this is now, its not what it used to be...............Anyways, I trained my budgie Leon to beatbox and swear, see!!!
Leon the Master Budgie

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My music taste is as varied as my schizophrenia. I have to listen to heavy shit all the time or people disapper......... but i have a mix of cultures in me (1/4 Irish and English + 1/2 Cypriot), so there will always room in my heart for something corny.

Necro the sicko, ICP, mudvayne, manu chao, disturbed, soil, wu tang, bony m, Eurthimics, Slayer, Godsmack, Killswitch engage, 36 crazyfists, Opeth, Marlyn, Radiohead, Metallica, Head Pe, Terror X crew, Sugababes, at the gates, emperor, recounteurs, enya, white stripes, Rammen-stein-en!, anal cunt, girls aloud, weezer, opeth, ertha kit, velvet underground, modern composers like danny elfman, basil poleduris....etc. I cant believe i wrote all that, that was shit....


I've seen Jason and the Agronaughts more times than any man or beast, living or dead. These are some of the other films that have influenced my sanity:
Dead Man's Shoes,
Bugsey Malone (one particular song its particularly poignant,
Princess Mononokoe,
house of 1000 corpses,
tom yum goong,
legend of drunken master,
mystery of chessboxing (the film),
prodical son,
fong sai yuk,
ying yan masters,
black cat white cat,
hellraiser 2,
Oh yea, cant forget motherfucking chitty chitty to the motherfucking bang bang motherfucker. Thats some shit to be raising your motherfucking kids to, mother-FAKOO!!
mulholland drive,
La haine,
man bites dog,
blue velevet, all david lynch basically...earserhead last,
bad boy bubby,
VS (japan film),
Any porn with me in it,
naked lunch,
battle royle, i cant be bothered


nope, but i can tell you that any items of footwear that i don, are immedietly transformed into Shit-Kickers by magic. Be they Army Boots or Slippers...... That's why they called me Blurr-Foot!! (neh-hey-hey)


How to develope your Chi Power, crystal shard, wheel of time, wasp factory, celestine prophecies, 39 steps, fear and loathing. To be honest, i think i have read enough, the time for me to write them has now arrived.


hercules, odesyus, achillies, bruce lee, napoleon, bryan blessed, tina turner

My Blog

FUCK PIRATES- Simple as that, fuck pirates and fuck you too

Too all the fucking shitgeeks of hull - Where was your pirate costumes when the place was flooded eh? Ar har har, nowhere to be seen!I can only think of one person that is strongly connected to contra...
Posted by Na'Kari Blurr-Foot on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 04:57:00 PST

Good old joke

An ancient greek farmer stood at the top of the hill with his son, over looking the family herd below. The son asks the dad,"DADDY, DADDY, DADDY!!!! Why dont we run down there as fast as we can and fu...
Posted by Na'Kari Blurr-Foot on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 05:28:00 PST

To la French Quarter ma chere! Alle! Alle!

Need to holiday at the French Quarter, N'Orleans. It has the best architechture in the world, apart from the ancient Greek shitgeeks!! OK OK I know it was all built by slavery and that is a terrible t...
Posted by Na'Kari Blurr-Foot on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 04:52:00 PST

Greek VS. Anglais- So fuckin PEACHY!!!!

Ever seen Star Wars? Not the shit one, the proper one. Goon Thats how it is at work for me. We all speak Grenglish. Think of when Han Solo talks to the Wookie in english about something proper technic...
Posted by Na'Kari Blurr-Foot on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 09:10:00 PST

Animals Vs. Men

I find myslef able to relate to animals more than humans. Acting on instinct is classed as sociopathic these days. I like animals more than humans, i would not kill a fly or spider, but i would kill a...
Posted by Na'Kari Blurr-Foot on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 01:40:00 PST

Philip Schofield's massive quest, by Nico

Phillip awoke exactly one second before his alarm clock went off. He lashed out to stop its insolence, with the shepherd's crook that he had fallen asleep with on the previous Thursday afternoon. The ...
Posted by Na'Kari Blurr-Foot on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 03:30:00 PST