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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I love the Lord and I love to travel. I want to go everywhere and see everything. Some of my dreams are to: ski everest, hitchhike europe, and meet president bush. I love my family and they love me back. I love pulling pranks and scaring the crap out of people. Making jokes and laughing is probably my favorite past time, so if you get offended when people laughat you we probably should maintain a distant relationship. Football is great and soccer is great for skinny people that get joy out of running for hours on end. my favorite food is my nanny's home cookin' and yes she does cook better than your grandma so don't even say it. that's enough for now. I notice you guys were speakin' French when I walked in so the oppossite of bonjour to ya (tell me what movie that's from and you are my newest best friend!)

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My Interests

I love... WHITNEY LEIGH, swimming, playing music, preachin' it up, summer camps, summer anything, pickin' with my boy neal, fishin' with my pop, spring baseball and fall football, traveling, going on missions trips, and livin' for God!

I'd like to meet:

my wife (when God shows her to me), Abishai, and most definately Willie Nelson! Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


Country and Western! Especially Texas country like Willie, George Strait, Pat Green, and Stoney Laroue; I also like alternative like Weezer and U2, my favorite Christian artist would have to be David Crowder.


I like scary movies but there's too many to list, gladiator, remember the titans, patriot, rudy, gone in sixty seconds, the 007's and the Indiana Jones trilogy, finding neverland, Finding Forrester, and John Q


Fear Factor (I rarely back down from a dare), Smallville, SPORTSCENTER, and well jackass. (i know, i'm immature; but it's just so freakin' funny!)


Too many to list. But anything by Earnest Hemmingway will do.


My dad, Pres. Bush, King David **cause he wasn't perfect**, and John Nolan Hodges- my papa John is the cornerstone of my family's salvation. And my nanny Rose for being the sweetest lady in the world!