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Coco Daisy

Haaappy New Year!!! Y'know what I'm sayin?!

About Me

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I'm random but that's me people, love me for it. I loooove the summer! I am a summer bunny all the way. Party, party, party! I dread the winter. I deny that it even exists until it creeps up on me.. brrrrr... I don't know why that is but I seem to crave ice cream more in the winter and I can't kick the flip flops..denial. If I had it my way it wld be summer all year long! I LOVE THE COLOR PINK & LOVE DANCING IN MY UNDERWEAR. I'M A MESS. i laugh at the stupidest things & ALWAYS SAY THE WRONG THINGS AT THE WRONG TIME. I CRY FOR NO REASON & SOMETIMES GET MAD EASILY. but i'm just me and thats all i can be I am NOT a morning person. Anyone who really knows me, knows that. Really, I am A.M. in the P.M. Don't know why, even when it's clean I still have to wash my cup out before I fill it. It's like a disorder I have or something? I'm very sweet but I also am known to toss the mean stick, oops! -c'mon everyone gossips, lies & backstabs; Who doesn't! It happens..we're human we all do it even if it was meant to be harmless. I love ppl who are VERY sweet to me. Oh yes, butter me up...those ones always go far in life. C'mon we all know that rubbing noses will get you what you want more than less. I'm somewhat shallow because to me looks are everything and then personality {BAD} Thank god I'm loved because I'm far from perfect. Oh yes it is true ;) I wld love to be famous & flawless. I am a name brand whore. Yes, I will admit it. I absolute cannot stand generics..gag me. If I am forced I whine abt it. I loooove carbs. I love Starbucks mocha frap. w/an extra shot no whip & white choco. latte extra shot. Caffiene, I'm hooked! Guilt is my bestfriend and my worst enemy. I'm an attn HOG! I am very needy when it comes to memememe. I was spoiled all my life so therefore I must be showered w/lots of lovelovelove. Sad but true. I was very bratty, spoiled rotten and had to have the best of everything even if it was just a doll. I always got my way growing up, that I am not proud of. I was rebelious and that led to bad choices...but I learned from them. I know that I will cont. to make bad choices at times, we all do but those unfortun. are lessons in life to learn hopes to never do again. I have a feeling that my son will follow that trait. He is def. his mothers child. Son you have alot to learn. Listen to your parents!~wink~ My little guy, I just simply love him he keeps me going & he puts up with me so I can't complain. I love to hang all over my BF he is my Stallion & my rock for sure. My mom she's is by far my true best friend. Thank god for my father he is a hero. Oh, and my bf's parents they ROCK! Thank god! I love to spend lots and lots of time w/my family & friends after all they are my world.
"Cats or Dogs" Why is it that dogs have to bark? We have 15,ooo dogs in our nghbrhood. At least cats DON"T BARK! "Meow" If I had to pick, I like small foo foo dogs w/out the yapping. I am a cat lover "DRiving" Old peeps, are scared 1/2 to death to drive but they do. Pray for us when they're mobile. Oh, plz use ur turn signal! Ugh! If ure in the fast lane & I'm on ur ass move. It is the fast lane. @ least do the speed limit. Is that ur finger in ur nose? When the sign says 40 why are u driving 35? ru on the celly? If u cannot multi task then u reeealy need to hang up & drive. {I've been known to pull some doozy's...shhh}"road rage" is touchy, touchy, touchy... how bad ass are you?! hmmm.. "Fashion fopa" Is it a major fashion fopa to wear a tie with a short sleeve shirt? But short sleeves??? All I can think of when I see this is Detective Andy Sipowicz (of NYPD Blue fame). I've tried... I've really, really tried. But every time all I keep asking myself is, What Would Sipowicz Do*?[sigh] What do ppl see in the mirror when they leave home w/highwaters, undie grundies & camel toe? OMG! Enough said. What was I thinking when my shoes didn't me out. What jacket should I wear? Sometimes u just can't find the right one. I cannot wear this jacket it's hideous w/this outfit! ure juggling freezing or staying warm with a non matching jacket! Once again...brrrrr. I'm a DIVA but I too have fashion emergencies {um, yes it happens to best of us}hahaha.. well I told u I wasn't perfect. I only pretend to be while I'm laughing hysterically. $$$ a good thing to have when u want to keep up w/fashion othrwse u better buy the best damn thing to make it last. Time to go shopping!!!! Make up? Well, that's a tough one..either ya got it or ya don't. Every girl shld be a blonde at least once in her life.Don't u hate when u try ur hardest to look ur best and no one notices but on the days u don't try at all is when u get noticed. "hygiene" If you have bad breath do something quik. Oh, plz if I have bad breath; TELL ME. Do us all a fav. and BRUSH THOSE TEETH! A smile is everything. I don't have THE perfect teeth but I do keep them afloat..haha!I have to say this Sleep n ur eyes & crust n the corners of ur mouth is sooo HOT. ewe! I hate it when I have a break out! I just want to crawl in a hole. Excuse but it does get to that point to where u really need to wash your hair. I know, I've been a victim of the crime ;) There is those ppl who never go a day w/out smelling like roses... (Don't u hate when u spray tooo much} choking{not a good choke}, coughing, gagging{not a good gag}.. There are those that try to cover up their must w/cologne....BIG NO NO! There is those that just smell like all the time.. I don't get it. "Boys and Girls" Why do females have to be so damn caddy .... why do males have to stir the pot??? What r ur feelings on having frns of the opps. sex when ure in a relat? Well, if ure gay then it wld be the same sex so..For all my guy frns.. they are my friends and that is that. "Sex" I am a PDA gal so deal w/it. Why are ppl so prude? I mean come on. We all have a freak in us don't be shy. I mean you're not getting any younger. I am a strong believer in the good ole' saying, "SEX IS WHAT MAKES THE RELATIONSHIP". If the sex isn't there then we have a problemo' I think when I am an old lady I will be a perv. lol!After all that being said I need a stiff drink!
I am constantly thinking and I have Loved... Lost... and Learned. The three things that every soul should feel.
Satisifaction is found on my own. Don't Lust for what you See..Desire what you know.............
Your Pride Quotient: 88%
You're proud, arrogant, vain - and most likely stuck up.
And face it: you probably think you're too good for this quiz.I'm a pretty girly chick, not ashamed to admit it (or wear pink)I can hang with the guys, as long as theyre not too gross! ***My fav.color is ~pink~ .......................and I can't live w/out my CHI***

My Interests

I like cars/trucks/suvs {station wagons/mini vans/PT cruisers/mini coopers..things of that sort; not so much} What kind of ride do you drive? Yes, I'm one of those. Motorcycles are HOT only if you know how to ride, not for everybody, sorry. My bf looks SUPER F^KC!NG HOT on a Harley! I've realized that a true rider, rides a Harley. I value my family
and those who are real. Why do ppl fabricate? That's so pathetic. Ok I'll give you till highschool then there is no excuses. Do you really have to make things up to get a point across even when ure in the wrong? We all know those who do. uGH! "We all bleed red. true.." I'm judgemental, try not to be :( Ppl judge me. We all do it. I'm a Hypocrite just as much as u r but I don't like to admit it. I'm prejudice twds cert. sit's or just cert. ppl of all sorts in gen. DON'T LIKE IT but it happens. We can only TRY to better our bad ways of life. Regrets = everybody has them wheather they choose to face them or deny them; It's called your subconscious. I say learn from ur mistakes and move on. Ppl are going to talk and we can avoid it but most things are said for a reason. I don't like to hear what ppl don't like abt me but it cld also be the best thing for me. I cld tell you where to shove it or just simply say, "Thank you". *xxo* You can only push someone away for so long Until they walk out of your life on their own. So be careful and make sure this is what you want because once they turn around they're not coming back.

I'd like to meet:

I craved for the one that would give to me what I would want to give back in return. ~That craving has been Satisfied~
My very charming, brilliant and ohso frickin HOT! ..Kent Allen..Mmm, Im one lucky girl!Cool Peeps plz do not send me a friend rqst w/out a pic. I WILL NOT accept. Send me a message when you send a rqst I like intoduction. BTW *friends ONLY* I love to meet people who are somewhat like myself {I mean what fun is it if you have nothing in common} So.. if that's you then love me ;) Oh, little ones under the age of 18; you can try but you will be denied unless I know you~ Luvz!