--- BACK STAGE --- THE MAKING OF AN ATOMIC BETTIE !! Pictures by Riviera, that's why I am not in them !!!
All photography is by www.valentinefotografiks.com , Makeup done by VIRGINIA, Hair by RIVIERA,Warbrobe By MICHELLE. Better know as ATOMIC BETTIE PRODUCTIONS..
All hairstyles on this page were created by myself, Riviera and all photography is by www.valentinefotografiks.com Makeup done by Miss Jeanette
..1/13/2007 Deco drive- Atomic betties. Jeanette+Riviera+Virginia+Michelle. Pin-Up girls Yazy & Aubrey.
..1/2007 Style File- Atomic betties. Jeanette+Riviera+Virginia+Michelle. Pin-Up Girls Charity & Ashley
Credits: Janette Valentine - Photographer, Michelle Parparian- Fashion Stylist, Riveria - Hair Stylist, Virginia Mendez, Make-up Artist.!
Looking for female models to participate in THE ORLANDO HAIR SHOW IN FLORIDA on Sunday, June 10th & Monday, June 11th, 2007.
You must be willing to have a wedge haircut or have one already & also wanting to do creative hair color for all length hair. I am also looking for hair updo participators for compositions. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED. Attitudes a must. Must be comfortable in front of cameras!Please respond ASAP:
[email protected]
if you want to check it out