Holistic healing, Music, Traveling, Outdoors I plan on being here more often this summer.
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Anything and everything involving a Sitar, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Idiot Flesh, G Love And Special Sauce, Blackalicious, Transiberian Orchestra, Dieselboy, The Book of Knots, Tons of jazzy blues, Louis Armstrong, Whatever gets you rockin!
The Princess and the Warrior, Nightmare Before Christmas, Funny Games, Requiem for a Dream, Ju On (Japanese version of course), A Tale of Two Sisters, Zoolander, Immortal Beloved...
Television is just another way to keep people locked up inside. Too many people are addicted to certain programs and miss out on life. And with media at an all time high, our brains get mushy with all that unwanted information. Even the programs are sneaking in products without you noticing, or being aware that they're there. Fuck T.V.
The Cosmic Crystal Spiral, The Celestine Vision, Power Animals, The Eyes of the Dragon, Frankenstein Diaries...
Anyone that inspires me and heightens my motivation, and my little girl for being the strongest and bravest person I know