Stacey profile picture


We have no control over anything but our reactions

About Me

I am the LASAGNA QUEEN! But you can't have the recipes until you buy or check out the book I haven't written yet about my years in Italy and the resulting lasagna empire that I haven't built yet.

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Cooking, writing, traveling, being in nature, all things Italian, knitting, sewing, yoga, bellydancing, photography, self-edification, saving the world (tho not quite sure how yet), figuring out the mysteries of the universe...or at least thinking and finding people to talk with about them, sleeping and trying to remember my dreams, frogs, the color orange.

I'd like to meet:

Albert Einstein, Alton Brown, and Doug Martsch.


Built to Spill, Grandaddy, Weezer, Ozma, Modest Mouse, Billy Holiday, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Belle & Sebastian, David Bowie, Nina Simone, Bjork, Manu Chao, The Shins, Muse, Flaming Lips, Lucio Battisti, Paolo Conte, PIXIES, White Stripes, Radiohead, Metric, Subsonica, Bloc Party, Bright Eyes, Wolf Parade, Le Tigre, Bob Marley, Cat Stevens, Beethoven's 7th Symphony, Eric Clapton, The Smiths, Jeff Buckley, Arcade Fire, Ladytron, LCD many more


Pane E Tulipani (Bread & Tulips), A Room with a View, L'Auberge Espagnol, Garden State, American Beauty, SuperSize Me, Harold & Maude, The Breakfast Club, Dirty Dancing, Memento, Y Tu Mama Tambien, South Park, Roman Holiday, The Motorcycle Diaries, Goodnight and Goodluck...umm, would never be able to think of them all...


anything without commercials...i.e. nothing...I no longer have cable so tv has gotten pretty damn boring


Einstein's Dreams is great if you are into twissted concepts of time, I love it. But how about authors...Jack Kerouac, Micheal Dorris, Wally Lamb, Tom Wolfe, Heidegger, Steven Pinker, Jean Shepard, Italo Calvino, Milan Kundera, James Joyce, Dante, Baudelaire, Hunter S. Thompson, Stephen King, Milton, Chaucer, David Sedaris, Sharon Olds...


my mom 'cause she's got it goin' on

My Blog

I have a job in LA!!!

As of september 1st I will be cooking full time at at Nicole's Gourmet Foods in South Pasadena! Ok, so I won't fully be cooking, more like chopping herbs and vegetables and making sandwiches and chees...
Posted by Stacey on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 05:07:00 PST

packing sucks

I HATE boxes, officially. They make you feel like you are supposed to be organized and neat and with smooth, squared edges. You think you know what you have, what stuff, and you fit it neatly into the...
Posted by Stacey on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 12:15:00 PST

Come hear good music, drink, and see me off

    Please come out to the Ship Room @ the Hotel Vernon in Kelley square on Monday the 12th (yes, this upcoming monday). I will be departing the next day for Cali and would like to see ...
Posted by Stacey on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 02:09:00 PST

JUSTICE! Real actual justice!

   As many of you already know, I've been in a legal struggle with the state of Massachusetts and my former employer over my qualification for unemployment insurance after I was fired for "...
Posted by Stacey on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 01:53:00 PST

I blame Bush

Yesterday, I got fired. Yes, fired, for the first time ever.  Get this, I was a little over an hour late last week due to alarm setting retardedness ( I made up the time), and this Monday it happ...
Posted by Stacey on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 09:23:00 PST

Movin on up...

I am finally getting out of the ghetto! No more baby daddy/momma screaming matches in the hallway outside my front door!  No more wasted people knocking on my door and ringing my bell at all hour...
Posted by Stacey on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 05:32:00 PST

yeah, soccer is a GREAT reason to not go to work...

Too bad this country sucks so much (or at least my piece of shit city) that it doesn't even care to know if its own soccer team is going to advance to the next round or not in a once every 4 years WOR...
Posted by Stacey on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 08:09:00 PST

I turned off the TV

I just canceled my cable and I already feel free...the TV used to mock me "turn me on, I'm so easy, you don't have to do anything, just sit and stare at me, come on, I'll make you laugh and cry and fe...
Posted by Stacey on Sun, 28 May 2006 08:36:00 PST