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I am here for Friends

About Me

"Cynics are, in the end, only idealists with awkwardly high standards," Alain de Botton.

My Interests

kid stuff, music, swimming, yoga, hiking, buddha, literature, art, gardening, cooking, studying (but i'm better at procrastinating), stalking the kid with a camera, different cultures, tea, starving my pug (not as bad as it sounds; he's a compulsive overeater), reading, the beach, writing, rain, travelling... you know. interesting stuff.

I'd like to meet:

interesting people


bjork, les nubians, india.arie, belle and sebastian, radiohead, lauryn hill, tupac, talib & mos, the beatles, pharcyde, pulp, blur, erykah badu, amy winehouse, twista, aceyalone, sade, miles davis, bob marley, goapele, mystic, david bowie, nina simone, janis joplin, the roots, israel vibration, moz, versa, dead prez, the coup, charlie parker, goapele, xuxu fang, blackalicious, zap mama - and many more i'm neglecting to mention at the moment. i'm always open to listen to something new.


what the bleep do we know?, breakfast at tiffany's, waking life, coffee and cigarettes, and many others whose titles i have forgotten.


the simpsons, dora, diego, the backyardigans, real time with bill maher, the wire (brilliant!), chapelle show, the boondocks, grey's anatomy, the sopranos was a great show, weeds.. too much tv, really.


there are libraries with fewer books than i have read. i'll just name a few of my favorite authors/poets: dostoyevsky, boethius, dr. seuss, roy, vonnegut - how i've loved you, RIP - milton, blake, angelou, kingsolver, garcia marquez, kundera, walker, robbins, morrison, chaucer... and gloria naylor is my new favorite author.


my kid astounds me.

My Blog

birth of a stage mom

The kid is going to be in a dance performance!  Not only that, the performances will be at Cal Poly's theatre.  I am so ridiculously excited.  Also fabulous is that rehearsal will take ...
Posted by amanda on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 07:43:00 PST

fashionistas take note!

the kid dressed this morning requesting "the zebra shirt and plaid dress."  the zebra shirt is actually purple and white striped and the plaid is a lovely red, navy blue, white creation (sounds v...
Posted by amanda on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 09:20:00 PST

she’s a revolutionary, too

So my daughter has approximately one million stuffed animals.  This is not entirely my fault; she is an only grandchild and EVERYONE loves to give her something.  As a result, we have some s...
Posted by amanda on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 09:19:00 PST

Three - the official onset of the preteen years

I was getting dressed recently.  My helpful daughter and advisor was there, lending her opinion to the procedure.  She recommended a certain shirt to me, one with whales.  I got it off ...
Posted by amanda on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 10:11:00 PST

this may disqualify me from mother of the year

Finding music is much more challenging as a mother.  There's no hanging out at a club or a friend's to listen to new stuff, some of what you like might not be child appropriate, all kinds of issu...
Posted by amanda on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 09:59:00 PST

those bastards!

my wisdom teeth have been snatched away.  i now go by Chipmunk Cheeks.  the best part is i get to pay them over $1000 for the privilege.  can you imagine how it'd be without dental and ...
Posted by amanda on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 06:30:00 PST

send help NOW

I had this moment of freedom in my car.  The kid was safely with grandma; I was able to run boring errands without a three year old by my side.  Not exactly thrilling, but at least I could c...
Posted by amanda on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 10:25:00 PST

the car accident

so, in a very weak effort to prevent telling this story one million times, i shall attempt to blog the information for all five of you dear readers.since san luis's children's museum is in permanent c...
Posted by amanda on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 09:23:00 PST

early summer update

While spending time in the backyard recently, the kid spied a cat.  She went racing after it, shouting, "Hey!  Kitty!  Hey!  I need to hold you!"  Oddly, kitty was unimpressed...
Posted by amanda on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 10:03:00 PST

midnight serenade

i love to hear these crazy birds who sing outside after midnight.  their music reminds me of when my daughter was first born and keeping me (and sometimes her pops) up all night.  it shocks ...
Posted by amanda on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 02:19:00 PST