kid stuff, music, swimming, yoga, hiking, buddha, literature, art, gardening, cooking, studying (but i'm better at procrastinating), stalking the kid with a camera, different cultures, tea, starving my pug (not as bad as it sounds; he's a compulsive overeater), reading, the beach, writing, rain, travelling... you know. interesting stuff.
interesting people
bjork, les nubians, india.arie, belle and sebastian, radiohead, lauryn hill, tupac, talib & mos, the beatles, pharcyde, pulp, blur, erykah badu, amy winehouse, twista, aceyalone, sade, miles davis, bob marley, goapele, mystic, david bowie, nina simone, janis joplin, the roots, israel vibration, moz, versa, dead prez, the coup, charlie parker, goapele, xuxu fang, blackalicious, zap mama - and many more i'm neglecting to mention at the moment. i'm always open to listen to something new.
what the bleep do we know?, breakfast at tiffany's, waking life, coffee and cigarettes, and many others whose titles i have forgotten.
the simpsons, dora, diego, the backyardigans, real time with bill maher, the wire (brilliant!), chapelle show, the boondocks, grey's anatomy, the sopranos was a great show, weeds.. too much tv, really.
there are libraries with fewer books than i have read. i'll just name a few of my favorite authors/poets: dostoyevsky, boethius, dr. seuss, roy, vonnegut - how i've loved you, RIP - milton, blake, angelou, kingsolver, garcia marquez, kundera, walker, robbins, morrison, chaucer... and gloria naylor is my new favorite author.
my kid astounds me.