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Once and Future King

About Me

I'm a writer, an artist, a mystical philosopher, a lover, a dreamer, and I'm successful at my vocation. I like movies, exercise, reading, writing, drawing and painting, summer sun, and nuzzling. I'm a gentle, liberal, but hungry soul, looking for the same.

My Blog

The Obama/McCain TV Debate

I watched the debate, and as usual during the last couple of decades of such debates, I was frustrated that the Dem didn't go for the Rep's jugular when it would've been so easy to do so. Obama should...
Posted by Norm on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:37:00 PST

The USA Market Crash and Bailout

Should we trust the fox to design the security of the henhouse?No, the "foxes" should be stripped of their ill-gotten gains, not rewarded with golden parachutes. Unless this bailout plan actually stri...
Posted by Norm on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:58:00 PST


The United States Congress has just passed a bill officially and legally allowing the CIA to secretly torture people suspected of terrorism. "Suspected"! And a large % of Americans appear to support t...
Posted by Norm on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 09:26:00 PST

the common man underdog

On this five year anniversary of the deaths at the World Trade Center I just happen to be watching a number of DVDs I bought the other week out of nostalgia and one of them is an Underdog collection (...
Posted by Norm on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:00:00 PST

Imagining God's POV

The true God would not only see the universe as we know it, but also the universes within universes within each atom, as well as the macrouniverses upon macrouniverses which are far too large for us t...
Posted by Norm on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 10:30:00 PST

War and Peace

All war is "wag the dog." When the Earth is seen from space, there are no national boundaries. War is a trick pulled on the human race by the propaganda supporting a divide and conquer technique to ke...
Posted by Norm on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 08:18:00 PST

Seasons Greetings

Re Christmas, I look at it this way: in an infinite, multidimensional multicosmos, anything and everything may be considered to be really and actually occurring in some reality (the Many Worlds hypoth...
Posted by Norm on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 10:52:00 PST