Cronin Valley Crooks profile picture

Cronin Valley Crooks


About Me

How many band names can the same people playing the same music have? Well, from On the Hill to HalfAss Bluegrass, also, The Pissed of Melissas (mmmm, yes). Beyond that, we play for beer and sometimes food... some beers are like food. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 3/7/2006
Band Members: Megan "Hot Hair"- fiddle, vocals Beautiful on the inside and on the out;Greg "Dogboy"-guitar, vocals, Gin and Tonics;Garrett "Ponyboy" -mandolin, vocals, To Cool For School;Stuart "Where am I"-banjo, fiddle, Nice Shirts
Influences: Lots. We love the music.
Sounds Like: Most of our songs are original bluegrass with some traditionals and some crowd-pleasing covers. Greg's originals sound funky with a bit of rock, Garrett's are more traditional, fast-pace, yet meloncholy at the same time, and Megan's are of the Emo-Bluegrass genra. Put together, our sets have much diversity. Covers include:The Talking Heads, The Decemberists, The Beatles, Weezer, Guns N Roses, Sir Mix A Lot, Bob Dylan.
Record Label: ---
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Fate has its way

We just got confirmed to play the Durango Bluegrass Meltdown! Hell yea, good things do come when you work at them. We have worked hard and still have a lot of hardwork left. Its funny how everythings ...
Posted by Cronin Valley Crooks on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 11:35:00 PST

Who, What, Where, Why of Cronin Valley

This is where and what and why and who I think Cronin Valley is. I wrote this in imagination of what it would be like to feel normal no matter what I have done, who I am and to find a place where...
Posted by Cronin Valley Crooks on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 06:50:00 PST