Freeloader started out as an excuse to get wasted on a weekday for three friends (Timme, Santo, Timme). The band remained nameless at the time. After 3 rehearsals, they discovered they needed some reinforcements, so they recruited Noco and Scalle.
These 2 soon also felt the urge to rock and booze and to discover "the zone"... whilst eating "frangipannekes". That's how they came to their first name "The infernal legions of frangipane"... That was quickly changed into "Freeloader"!!! They are all about a non-paying lifestyle, free booze, free drugs, free love...
They play an ecclectic mix of metal, hardcore and stonerrock...(nah, not really ecclectic, but hey, cool word huh?
A demo will be recorded end of 2006, early 2007... As soon as the jar is filled!
2006 will be their year, so keep an eye on your booze and stash!!
[ NOTE: uploaded songs are from our latest South American Tour, supporting Slayer and Mastodon! No audience was mixed in the music since you wouldn't understand the people after all! ]
if you want a banner from us on yer space, here is one!
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