Withhold - new pictures profile picture

Withhold - new pictures

About Me

As many other bands they started out playing tunes of their heroes. But in September 2006 they started writing their own and have been doing that ever since. Their style encompasses fast and technical riffs, clean yet aggressive vocals, blistering and searing solos supported by a heavy as a whale rhythmsection. And all that in true metalsongs with some catchy chorusses.

“With this demo,the Belgian band Withhold has proven that they can write some great songs. It’s a must-have for every metalfan. I definitely want to check these guys out live! 85/100.” (Aardschok magazine)

Video-report of the Limbomania bandcontest, we're the fifth band.

Please support us by putting our banner on your space. We will gladly return the favor.

My Interests


Member Since: 20/11/2006
Band Members: Dieter Vangeneugden:
- Lead Vocals
- Rhythm- and Leadguitars

Kevin Bloemen:
- Rhythm- and Leadguitars
- Backing Vocals

Pieter Driesen:
- Drums

Willem Leijssen:
- Bassguitar
- Backing Vocals


Daan Veraghtert:
- Roadie
- Merchandising

Tom Cruysberghs:
- Roadie
- Merchandising

To book us for a gig, mail us @ [email protected]

Sounds Like: Blend of Thrash, Heavy and Speedmetal with great melody, lovely solos and catchy vocals!
Record Label: No label yet

My Blog


Check out the live recordings of 3 songs that have never been recorded before!Featured tracks:Midnight MysteryThe God of the LandWorlds of WrongGrtz
Posted by on Mon, 30 Mar 2009 06:33:00 GMT

Lyrics 'Bite the Bullet' and 'Crusade of the Loner'

Bite the bullet!Whispering yourself to sleepEscape the daily sinBorn to cope with all the shitAnd all the thorns withinThe latter sting with all their mightA challenge to ignoreThe scardesign won't fa...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 14:36:00 GMT

Big update!

Hey,it's been a while since our last blog, but we have been quite busy in the last months. We've been working on some new heavy songs and yesterday at the show in Gent, we played a new song for the fi...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 13:54:00 GMT

Pics of rockglabbik

Hello allcheck out this link for some very cool pictures of Rockglabbik!http://www.caslys.sarai.be/rockglabbik2008/
Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 13:54:00 GMT

Upcoming and past shows

Hello everybodyThe past two gigs went great! Especially the show in café 't Hent was a blast for us, and from looking in the crowd we know you had a lot of fun as well! We want to thank everyone who c...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 16:12:00 GMT

2 Years of Withhold-madness

Hey everybody! hi doctor Pieter! long time since we ever updated this myspace. But don't shed no tears, we're back with some news!And it's not just some random news! As Withhold has been around since...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 18:36:00 GMT

We won!

Hello yesterday we won the Rockglabbik rockrally! We were chosen by the jury out of five performing bands and won ourselves a place on the actual festival and the considerable amount of ¬100! Allright...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 16:14:00 GMT

Interview by RMP

Hello friendsthe good people of www.rock-metal-punk.org took an interview from us and it's online right here. It's in Dutch, but it's good reading! Learn some more about us!Tonight is the show in Opgl...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 15:41:00 GMT


Another review bij RPM!! Unfortunately, it's only in dutch! Thrash metal is weer volledig terug van weggeweest. Een tijdje geleden konden we ons verheugen op "The Atrocity Exhibition... Exhibit A" van...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 04:03:00 GMT

Rockrally Rockglabbik

Hi,we have some good news. We have been selected to perform at the Rockrally of Rockglabbik. The 25th of April, we’ll play a short show of 30 minutes in ’Zaal VONA’. That’s all...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:36:00 GMT