Likes: Food- I'm a huge fan of pancakes, broccoli, fries, dark chocolate, eggs, seafood, cheese, pumpkin seeds, brown rice, tofu, vegemite, All-bran, turkey and all Indian and Asian cruisine, Being with people that I love and make me feel special, Dancing to music that I love and not caring what I look like, thunder and lightening, Red wine, Horror movies, Podcasts, Emos, Going to the gym, Being busy, Being lazy, Meeting randoms and having something in common, Halloween, Jagerbombs, Floppy eared bunny rabbits, People who can teach me something, Being able to teach someone, Soy Lattes, Bubble tea, Glo-sticks, Rainbows, Goths, Fairy lights, Black or red nail polish, Youtube, Fake tan, Honesty, Self respect, Humour, Chemistry and Human Biology, Punks, Liquid eyeliner, Ravers who wear those furry leg warmers, Green tea, Skinny leg jeans, Baking cakes and goodies, Body modification, Going to the beach, Gay bars, Getting letters in the mail that are not bills, Photography, Open mindedness, Lip gloss, Random acts of kindness, Daily routines and being able to escape them from time to time, Reading, Stilletos and skater shoes, Ancient and Modern History, Palaeontology, Mythology, Sexy vodka cocktails, Op shops, Travelling, Coming home.Get Your Own! | View SlideshowDislikes: Cruelty- to people or animals, Extremely hot weather, Parallel parking, Homophobia, Bees and wasps, People who complain about their lives but don't do anything to help themselves, Smoking, People who have no respect for themselves, Mum's spinach pie, Global warming, Bono's sunglasses, Over the top political correctness, Bad karma, Dodgy bastards and skanky ho's, Obese kids, Generic and un-inspired music, Cold fries, Washing the car, White kids who think they grew up in the Bronx, Pre-mixed vodka drinks, Arrogance, Aggression, People who blindly follow fashion and do not even consider what suits their body shape, Mathematics.Favourite Colours: Hot Pink, Crimson, Black, Teal Green, Turquoise, Khaki Green.
The people who make the music I love, people who make things happen in the world and you :-)
When I get around to it I'm going to write a list of all the bands I like to listen to and put in in alphabetical order on here but that probably won't happen for a while. My favourite band is Alkaline Trio and I also love t.A.T.u. I love most types of music, I enjoy listening to Punk, Rock, Drum and Bass, House, Trance, Electro, Metal, Classical, Breakbeat, Chillout, Pop (If it is a bit edgy, not the top40 crap) and sometimes a bit of Hip hop. I'm not a huge fan of Country and Western, R&B or really generic sounding pop or dance music. So you can pretty much bet that if it sounds good I will like it. I like hearing new music so feel free to recommend a band to me!
I usually like what the critics hate.. does that mean I have bad taste?
I love horror films, comedies, especially the tasteless toilet humour ones, action films with sexy leading ladies and anything a bit dark and different.
I don't have much time to read books at the moment, except for the ones I have to read for uni! I love to read though, mostly quirky novels and trashy gossip magazines.
Get Your Own! | View SlideshowMy Mum and Dad,and all my family especially Jessica, cos she can do anything and she is hot as well, Jamie, cos she gets me and of course Zac because he is Zac :)