Unassuming but lively, honest yet ambiguous,
generous but unsacrificing, emotional yet practical... I'm that kinda guy who'd just call you up anytime (and i mean ANY time) and drag your ass out for coffee or a beer with me. If it's over coffee, then we'd have a good chattin' session; but if it's booze... We-ell, it'll always somehow end up like holdin' a futile Alcoholics' Anonymous meeting at the local bar on a free-flow night. Yeah, that kinda guy.
Am still figuring out on what life's all about - I try to take things one day at a time but every moment that I'm sitting around trying to take in the beauty of life, my brain sets a blistering pace thinking about everything from how I'm gonna earn enough to pay off my bills to why it's so important for people to drive nice cars.
Some days I wish I could plant a little attenuator on my brain so I could muffle some of those thoughts. Oh wait... that's called booze. Well, sometimes I wish I had enough booze to shut my brain up.
Anyhow, whoever that I may seem to be, I'm always looking on the brighter side of things in existence; love my M U S I C , love my life.