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About Me

Myspace Layouts + Myspace GraphicsI was a high school teacher for 15 years. I was married for 19 years to Ron, and we had one daughter, Melissa, 17. The day before my 40th birthday, my family and I were involved in a car accident which claimed the lives of my husband and our daughter. This happened in september 1996, and obviously my life has been one of constant questioning as to why I survived such a horrific event. There have been many days when i have questioned my existence because i am not really alive. Right now i have been rediscovering my love of Yes music. I started listening to the band in the early 1970's when i was in high school and was lucky enough to see them in concert in Philadelphia in 1974 during the "Tales" tour. Something moved me late last summer (2005) to start listening to Jon Anderson's solo work as well as Yes' earlier works. I finally have found some relief from my grief in losing my family in Yes' music. I have always been quite spiritual. I know my husband and daughter are with me, and Yes' music and lyrics give me more hope. I was fortunate to have seen Jon Anderson in November of 2005 in Atlantic City. I was in the first row, right in front of the stage. I even met Jon after the concert, and he was so gracious and understanding as I told him how much his music meant to me especially since the car accident in which i lost my family.I also have developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because of the accident. So, i suppose i am a rather boring person as i try to get through each day. now that i think of it, i am anything but boring. i never know what i am going to do next. when the ptsd symptoms get triggered, well, you'd have to see/hear me to believe it. i mix up words, if i can talk at all, and once i am able to walk, well, my sister calls me "crabbie." on a more serious note, ptsd and depression have haunted me for nearly 10 years now. i am limited in so many ways now, both physically and emotionally. But, God has also blessed me in so many ways. I am thankful for my mom & dad (both passed now), my sister and my 2 nieces. I am especially thankful for the gift of my husband and daughter. there are so many people who will never know the peace and joy of a successful marriage. my husband was my best friend in the world. and my Melissa... what can one say about their child? Melissa, so so talented in so many ways. she was artistic but she loved to bake. she wanted to be a pastry chef. and her bread!! bread entirely made from scratch (& i have a kitchen aid mixer). Melissa had to do the entire recipe by hand. she had such a way with animals too; whenever anyone in school found a sick or abandoned animal, guess who they went to for advice? She was truly heaven sent and i am so fortunate to have had her for 17 years.
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" Love proves itself by deeds, so how am I to show my love? Great deeds are forbidden me. The only way I can prove my love is by scattering flowers and these flowers are every little sacrifice, every glance and word, and the doing of the least actions for love." St. Therese of Lisieux
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My Interests

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Music, music, music especially Jon Anderson and his solo works, Yes' music, other musical projects by the individual band members of Yes;gardening, especially tending to the pansies that still pop up in the grass 10 years after my daughter (who died in sept of 96) planted them,spirituality and how all the religions of this world are really "searching for the Creator" ( to quote Jon Anderson from the Atlantic City House of Blues 2005 concert);books by Sylvia Brown and John Edward and the afterlife;psychology and mental health, especially Post traumatic stress disorder,needlepoint, and my new cat, Missy (another little gift from above; we called our daughter Missy, and Melissa had a cat we all called Missykitty because she was Missy's kitty). 1 of my counselors told me of a woman who was looking for a home for a cat whose owner had to be placed in a nursing home. i expressed interest as 3 weeks earlier, i had lost my beloved Emmi to kidney disease. My little Em was the sweetest cat and loved everyone. she died 19 april 2006, the night before i went to see Steve Howe's concert. so, i met this woman, and she & her son brought over the cat. you can't imagine the shock when i learned her name was Missy! another gift to me from above!!
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I'd like to meet:

---- Jon Anderson and his family ----,---- somebody else like me who lost their family but survived --------- all the Yesfans on the map below!!! -----
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Yes, Jon Anderson, Steve Howe, Chris Squire, Rick Wakeman, Trevor Rabin, Anderson, Buford, Wakeman and Howe, ELP, Renaissance, Asia, Peter Gabriel, Nickleback, Pearl Jam, the Who and LedZep of course! i forgot to mention Crosby, Stills & Nash, CSNY and many more........ ok, Christine i forgot to add that i also like Alice in Chains, the Moody Blues, King Crimson as well as many of the others you have listed as well.


my 2 all time favorites the original "The Producers" and "A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum," "Excalibur" with Nigel Terry is a definite favorite as are "the Godfather 1 & 2." i enjoy Clint Eastwood movies:"the Outlaw Josey Wales," "Unforgiven" and "Pale Rider." the original "Star Wars" trilogy is great too as is "the Lord of the Rings. i simply adore films with the Marx brothers and musicals from the 30's & 40's.


Brit coms "Are You Being Served?," "Keeping Up Appearances," "Faulty Towers," "Monty Python" documentaries about ancient civilizations: the Greeks, Egyptians, Rome. i love the History, Discovery and BBC America channels, Animal Planet and, ok, i have to admit i love Cartoon Network and Nickleodeon too.
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"The Celestine Prophecy", the Bible, "One Man's Love Story" by Jason Hughes, i've just begun Neil Peart's "Ghost Rider." "Fountains of Gold" a book of Wendy Poems by my friend, Wendy Vig.


my husband, Ron and our daughter, Melissa who passed away 10 years ago 28 september 1996 my husband's sense of humor and commitment kept our family close and solid; Melissa was gentle, naive, artistic and had a special gift with animals. my sister, who is an artist & a counselor, how she puts up with 2 adhd children & me with ptsd, depression and anxiety is heroic in and of itself.Jon Anderson whose music, ethics and sense of family and spirituality has returned to me some of the meaning of life and love which i had lost when my husband and daughter died.
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My Blog

A Blessed Christmas

Yes, this was indeed a Blessed Christmas for me. it all started on the way to Lakewood to my family's grave with a Christmas blanket last wednesday. I was driving, and my sis and niece were with me. i...
Posted by carol on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 06:27:00 PST

the Bitter and the Sweet

as i have been sitting here at the computer, i went to Jon Anderson's page and the song, Time & a Word, started playing. i remember that album well, and the song, Sweetness, came to mind. in light...
Posted by carol on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 04:00:00 PST


i went nearly 5 days without a ptsd episode. i decided to go to my sis' for dinner instead of having her bring dinner to me. i did well, but Rhi can be so noisy. of course that triggered me again. so ...
Posted by carol on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 12:28:00 PST

another poem

Alone........ I am alone, yet You are with me. I am sad, and You dry my tears I am lost, but You find me. I am scared, and You calm me. Why am i here still? My life has no meaning, no reason. But i co...
Posted by carol on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 06:52:00 PST

2 adhd kids + 1 ptsd aunt = disaster

ok, the truth is out: 2 adhd children + 1 ptsd aunt = recipe for complete disaster. you'd think i know better, but i keep trying to live a, errr, normal (?) life. Thanksgiving Day. a day of thanks &am...
Posted by carol on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 06:38:00 PST

Show Me Jon Anderson acoustic

Music ...
Posted by carol on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 05:20:00 PST

blog response

I wrote this a few minutes ago in response to one of Deborah Anderson's blogs. may sound silly, but it really does reflect my own thoughts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amen to ...
Posted by carol on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 04:18:00 PST

7 wasted years

Predator We were both from different worlds, we both shared the loss of child and spouse you still had your daughter I had only memories and my house.   We met in cyberspace one fateful day, l...
Posted by carol on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 03:56:00 PST

some ramblings

some thoughts from yesterday and this morning. yesterday marked one year that i had seen Jon Anderson in concert. i have been meaning to write to him and thought yesterday was the appropriate day.&nbs...
Posted by carol on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 03:54:00 PST

weekly quote

There is no holiness, Lord, if You withdraw your hand. No wisdom is of any use if You no longer guide it. No strength can avail if You do not preserve it. No purity is safe if You do not protect it. N...
Posted by carol on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 10:37:00 PST