Orland profile picture


broken tethers clatter

About Me

http://www.flickr.com/photos/sapphirehare , http://www.vimeo.com/user:155292/clips , http://www.myspace.com/bernardstone , http://www.myspace.com/blackclawband , http://bernardstone.blogspot.com/ ,
Buffalo! To the Moon!

My Interests

G.P.Orridge, People Like Us @ www.peoplelikeus.org, www.ubu.com, http://www.ausgang.com/, dances by Tatsumi Hijikata, paintings by Donald Baechler, Marcel Dzama, yumiko kayukawa, photos by william eggleston, michael perkins, robert frank, music making, banjos, vintage synths, eastern cooking, northwest cuisine, hiking, running, sipping.

I'd like to meet:

Jewelry, diamonds, furs. Antlers attached to hats.members of the D.A.R.


8bit rockers, a trillian barnacle lapse, a frost comes with the wind, Alan Lomax collections, A1People, abfahrt hinwil, Add N to X, adult. , Aislers Set, american analog set, Amorphous Androgynous, Amon Tobin, Andrew Weatherall, Animal Collective, Animals On Wheels, Anna Oxygen, Anne Clark, Anthony Rother, Antony & the Johnsons, Aphex Twin, Apocolyptica, Arcade Fire, Ariel Pink, Arovane, Arpanet, Edward Artemjev, Aspen, Astralasia, Atom Heart, Astrobotnia, Autechre, Autolux, AUX88, Avey Tare and Panda Bear, David Axelrod, B. Fleischman, B12, Baby Bird, Baby Mammoth, Dave Ball, Banco de Gaia, Bangkok Impact, Bastard Noise, Pierre Bastien, bbc radiophonic workshop, Beach Boy, Belle & Sebastion, Beth Orton, BERBER MUSIC, Beulah, Bikini Kill, Black Acid Laser, Bill Frisell, Bill Laswell, biosphere, Bjork, Black Dog, Black Heart Procession, Black Star Liner, Blonde Redhead, Blondie, Blood Axis, Boards of Canada, Bochum Welt, Bodenstaendig 2000, Bogdan Raczynski, boom bip, bpitch control, Brian Eno, Broadcast, Broken Social Scene, Brothomstates, Bruce Haack, Bua Xua Mua, Built to Spill, bulgarian voices, moscow art trio, huun-huur-tu, Burnt Friedman, Buzzcocks, Cabaret Voltaire, Califone, cambodian cassette archive, camera obscura, Can, carpet musics, casiotone for the painfully alone, Captain Ahab, Cat Power, casino versus japan, Carrier Band, Catnip, ceephax acid crew, Celtic Mouth Music, charlemagne palestine, charlie tweddle, Children of the Bong, Chirgilchin, Chocolate Weasel, chris clark, Christ, chris carter, chromeo, chutir, cibo matto, claudine longet, Cluster, Coco Rosie, Coil, Colder, Conlon Narcannow, Cosmic Jokers, creme blush, Crisis, Current 93, Cut Chemist, Cylob, Cyndi Lauper, D'Arcangelo, holger czukay, Dame Darcy, Jack Dangers, Daniel Johnston, Dat'r disco dance hits mixes, Daniel Wang, Danielson Family, Darren Price, David Axelrod, David Holmes, David Toop, David Tudor, Death in June, Deceptikon, Deerhoof, Delarosa & Asora, delta rhythm boys, Depeche Mode, destroyer, dettinger, devendra banhart, dettinger, dj assault, DJ Food, DJ Shadow, DJ Vadim, DMX Krew, Todd Dockstader, Tony Conrad, Dolly Parton, Dopplereffekt, Dreadzone, Drexciya, Drome, Dynamix II, Durutti column, e 40 , E-vax, Eat Static, ectomorph, edgar froese, edward ka-spel, Eels, ekkehard ehlers, Einsturzende Neubauten, elaine radigue, electric birds, electrelane, Electric Company, Electric Skychurch, Electroids, electronic eye, electronicat, Elf Power, Emerald Cloud Cobra, Erik Satie, erlend oye, Esquivel, essex green , Éthiopiques, Fairport Convention, Fennesz, fischerspooner, Flaspar, FLEXIPOP comps, Four Tet, fpu, Franz Ferdinand, free kitten, freescha, fs blumme, Funki Porcini, fun-da-mental, Future Bible Heros, future sound of london, G.D.Luxxe, galaxy-500, Gang of Four, gary numan, gas, Genesis P orridge, Gerbils, the, Get Hustle, ghost, gina x, giorgio moroder, Girls of Guinea, Glenn Gould, Global Goon, Goblin, Goldfrapp, Goodiepal, gossip, gravy train!!!, GreenVelvet, grouch, Guided by voices, Gustav Hoist, hans Reichel, Harry Partch, pierre henry, Herbie Hancock, herbaliser, human league, Huun-Huur-Tu, i-f, Iannis Xenakis, in gowan ring, ISAN, isolee , Japanese Telecom, JEan Grae, Jean Micheal-Jarre, josephine foster, Julie Ruin, joy division, Juno Reactor, Karlheinz Stockhausen, kevin blechdom, khan, nusrat fateh ali, King Cobra, Kings of Convenience, KLF, Kool kieth , Kraftwerk, L'usine, ladytron, Laurie Anderson, le Tigre, Lee Hazelwood, Leftfield, legowelt, Linda Thompson, L7, Little Computer People, Loop Guru, low flying owls, luke vibert,lucky people center , Magnetic Fields, Make-Up, mark shreeve, MaruMari, Master Musicians of Jajouka, Meat Beat Manifesto, Mercury Rev, Method Man, mice parade, Michael Rother, milford graves , Ministry, mirah, missy elliot, Modest Mouse, Moon Lay Hidden behind the clouds, Moorish music of Mauritania, moondog, Mouse on Mars, Ms. John Soda, music from Burundi, muslimgauze, pete namlook, Nature & Organization, Neutral Milk Hotel, Neu!, Nigel Ayers, Nina Nastasia, Nocturnal Emissions, None Night of the Flexipop, joseph nothing, Nurse With Wound, of Montreal, of the wand and the moon, pauline oliveros, Orb, Orbital, OS Mutantes, out hud, Oval, People Like Us, Plaid, Plone, Popol Vuh, Psychic TV, Radiohead, rahsaan roland kirk, Ramones, Ratatat, Rasputina, Raymond Scott, redshift , Revolutionary Ensemble, Richard h kirk, Roedelius, Roots Manuva, Rootsman, rough guide, Ryuichi Sakamoto, RZA, Sabres of Paradise, sandoz, Secret Museum of Mankind, Secret Stars, sisters of mercy, Six Organs of admittance, Jack Smith, Solar Quest, solvent, Sonic Youth, Spacetime Continuum, soviet, Stereo Total, Steve Reich, system 7, takako minekawa, Nobukazu Takemura, talking heads, Terry Riley, tetsu inoue , The Centimeters, the fall , the wicker man, Tindersticks, tranquility bass, trans am , Tribal Drift, tristeza, Television Personalities, Tuff Crew, Two Lone Swordsmen, tuxedomoon, Underworld, Unwound, UR, uzbekistan art of the dotar, Ute Lemper, vector lovers , victory sings at sea, Violent Green, Voices of the World-An Anthology, Volcano the Bear, wadada leo smith, Wagon Christ, Ween, wire, Wu tang, Yat-Kha, susumu yokota, zion train , Zoviet France Flaspar, hands on layers of black rubber, screams of enthusiasm, shuffling of old people shoes.


Fantastic Planet, Troma, Pootie Tang, kamikaze girls, god of cookery, Kirikou and the Soceres, a time for drunken horses, the Warriors, Cemetery Man, Dr. Calagari, Taste of Cherry, The lathe of heaven, Stalker, Dawn of the Dead, Zombi 2, Tenebre, Suspiria, phenomena, the celebration, Spider Baby, conspiritors of pleasure, the exterminating angel, beyond the valley of the dolls, night on earth, faster pussycat kill kill, directors: Harun Farocki, Abbas Kiarostami, john carpenter, Jack hill, john waters, agnes varda, jim jarmusch


JVC's VHS anthology of world music and dance,, water margin of liang shan po, lost, carnivale, smallville. I like listening more than watching. I like stories and I like the company of voices in my private space.


The Notebook Proof & third lie, The Water Margin of Liang Shan Po, Monkey, golden game,Mark Leyner, Roland Barthes, Ursula Leguin, Tobias Schneebaum, Mike Davis, Shulameth Firestone, Italo Calvino, Harold Courlander, harry Potter


fancy dressers, people who present, and dress themselves in accordence with their manner. Madhur Jaffrey, Tobias Schneebaum, Hokusai, Oskar Fischenger, Kazuo Ohno, Tatsumi Hijikata, Jules Engel, www.babyssb.co.jp

My Blog

a nice internet message froma friend

Extremely large horsePenitentiary on fireRiver coming out from under a factoryVacant cul de sac, stickers on the windows, dirt for lawnsRoll-top desked shipped contents intact from Turkey where they h...
Posted by Orland on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 04:21:00 PST

movie plots

Ka Fu is born to a working-class family. He is happy since he has a very loving family. Natalie grows up in a very affluent family. Her parents want her to have the best and thus have lined up a rich ...
Posted by Orland on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 12:00:00 PST

halloween party

I had such a great time at my halloween party. Thanks to everyone who came, I was so overjoyed to see you all. So many great costumes, and great music!
Posted by Orland on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 02:19:00 PST

fun dreams

Woke up a lot from dreams last night. In one, myself and two friends watched a squirrel and a prairie dog meet up on a miniature sun porch. They climbed onto a red velvety pillow that was set up to...
Posted by Orland on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 10:56:00 PST

This news will keep me happy, FOREVER

I have been informed that the earth has enough gold in its depths to cover the surface of the planet one and a half feet thick in pure gold! That is so much GOLD! I heard that this information came ...
Posted by Orland on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 10:59:00 PST

sidewalks smoothed

If someone would smooth all the sidewalks I would never stop dancing.
Posted by Orland on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 02:20:00 PST


I have been downloading the flexipop comps this week. There about 60 of them. Some info here:http://members.shaw.ca/ecorpse/Tribute%20to%20&%20Retur n%20of%20Flexipop.htmThey are cdr collections of...
Posted by Orland on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 11:18:00 PST

Making friends

I walked through Ladd's Addition to work today, and on the way a cat ran down to the sidewalk, looked up with me and then walked beside me at exactly the same pace. Most cats that I have walked with ...
Posted by Orland on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 11:35:00 PST


While at work, in front of the monitor, clicking the mouse, I noticed a blurry shape above my left eye. The shape shook and vibrated. I slowly lifted my hand and before I could touch the blurry sha...
Posted by Orland on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 12:26:00 PST

Renée French style nightmare

I have had an alarming number of nightmares this past week. This one actually made me wake up and thrash around a little. I used to have a cockatiel. In this dream the cockatiel looked depressed. ...
Posted by Orland on Mon, 29 May 2006 10:41:00 PST