I’m Lubrik. I’ve been referred to in many different ways tho. I’ll go from most frequent to least frequent. Lubrik, Lu, Lube, Lubey, Mr. T, B.A. Baracus, Luda, Ludabriks, Lubreek, Luberak, Brik, Lubricant, Lubrican, Lubrifient, Lubrinder, Lubrikinder, Lubiderjit, LubeindaJeep, Hercules, Herk. This order is not an exact science and I may have left some names out, but you get the idea. There’s a story behind each name too.
I moved to Montreal over three years ago and I love it here. I’ve even got used to the cold-ass winters and the hot-ass summers. Before MTL I lived in Vancouver. I’ve got tons of friends here and back in Vancouver, so I’m kinda torn between the two. If all my friends could just move to the city I’m living at this problem would be solved so easily. I’m still waiting on this btw. I got family all around the world, but a lot of them in Cali currently.
I’m studying accountancy at Concordia University. It’s funny, but I would never have imagined myself in post-secondary three years ago, let alone in accounting and getting decent grades, but here I am. Shit I’ve come a long way. I’m even starting a new job as a Dividends Administrator in 2007. What can I say? I dig numbers? Hhahahaha. I guess that must be it. Maybe it’s more the fact that I like doin what I’m good at. But then again I’m good at everything :P Ok. Maybe I like the smell of monay. I can smell it. Whatever it is, I’m getting edumecated and my moms back in Vancouver is very happy about it. Yes I’m a momma’s boy. And if not a momma’s boy, a changed man since I’ve lived in the M-teezy. For this I have to thank my Tita Vilma (who gave me a place to stay for my first year here), my cousins, and my good friends who support me. Seriously, people: THANK YOU. To anyone reading this, you know who you are so I won’t get to naming all the important people in my life. Gemma, love u sis.
To have fun, I do all sorts of things. Admittedly, most of my time is dedicated to studying, but I gotta relax and kick it with my friends as often as possible. Play poker Mondays, football Saturdays, tear the club up, hit the bar, snowboard, listen to music, play vids, wack balls at the driving range….I could go on….guess I will…go to the arcade, Wii, the movies, go for walks, runs, bike rides, draw, doodle, write, surf the web, call old friends, call relatives, go out to eat, barbeque, play pool, shit I even like to go bowling sometimes. As far as poker goes, I’ve been in a slump lately and everybody else is gettin my money. Guess maybe I ain’t all that good with numbers. Get at me if u want in on poker, u stand a good chance of turning a profit on me at the moment.
Holler at me!