IAMISEE profile picture


Chop Suey Cometh

About Me

The Pennsylvania emcee’s latest effort, IAMISEE vs DJ DEMON is a rare 14-track dose of well put reality. While sophisticated flow mainstream artists can occasionally afford to play with the form, much of hip-hop’s true artistry, power and significance are lost in what can be put in no other terms but rapper bullshit. IAMISEE vs DJ DEMON, on the other hand, is a uniquely concentrated dose of hip-hop essentials: flow, wordplay, and the kind of beat-emcee simpatico unheard of since Eric B and Rakim blared out of metal-grate boom box speakers.IAMISEE has a steady, precise flow, proof of what he calls "lyrical carpentry" on the track "Hand Grenades." IAMISEE loosens his often deep, gravelly and aggressive delivery on a number of tracks. The balance between the two, and the fact that he can do them both, is the Philly emcee’s signature.On "Hello," the last track of the album, he accomplishes this equilibrium. A sad acoustic guitar riff and a stripped-down beat play canvas to one of the deeper songs on the album.Building on his second release, IAMISEE is quickly developing an underground following. Expect to hear a lot more noise about the Philly kid--he is flat-out nice. The last five tracks may well be the best 17 consecutive minutes of independent hip-hop this year.
Emanuel Jalonschi
Beyond Race Magazine

My Interests


Member Since: 5/22/2005
Band Website: IAMISEE.net
Influences: Coming To A Theater Nearest You

Sounds Like:

New IAMISEE Video "Generation One"
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Golden Sky

Golden Sky is now available for download.
Posted by IAMISEE on Sat, 27 Aug 2005 06:33:00 PST