my family, friends, travelling, asia, antique furniture, talking, laughing, amazing clothing, jill's photos, trevor, dace, isabelle and heather's clothing, movie theatre popcorn, scout, satine, and a million more things that change every two seconds and would tire everyone out if i had to constantly change them....these are the staples and the things i love the most. oh yah and cute little animals that love unconditionally. not fish though because they make me sad. they just float around until they die and that's really sad..the worst is there is nothing you can do about it.
i listen to good music all day (provided by trev) but if it was up to me silence is a "very nice" alternative. those that i really like are ben gibbard, sam prekop, tilly and the wall, feist, knife, jose gonzalez, lali puna, lou barley, maria taylor......
the squid and the whale,
heroes, lost okay sometimes I get sucked into the next model thing
"western dress and bound feet" "empress" "black pond"
those with patience and untainted hearts, those who love and show it