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PLEASE NOTE: To me (Tonya the creator) there is no one CHILDHOOD ILLNESS/DISORDER any more important than any other. If one is represented here more than any others... it is because this page is always growing and changing... I am continually finding things to add to it when I get the chance. Some I have not found anything for as of yet, or not had the chance to add to the page. I started Classy Creationz with a Cause because of my love of children, and the fact that all the children with illness touch my heart in ways I can't explain... I just want to do something for them. I try my best to treat them all equally, they are all dear to my heart and mean the world to me. Each month, my friends list has been shortened by the loss of a child, and though it pains me to loose them, it does my heart good to think that I might have brought them a moment of joy. Illness has no prejudice... There is no illness that cares what age, color or background you are... so why should any person?? The fact is... no child no matter what they may have... from ADHD, asthma, exzema, acid reflux, cancer, mastosytosis, CHD's, CHARGE syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Bipolar, Spina Bifida, Juene's Syndrome, Arthritis, Epilepsy, Cystic fibrosis... WHATEVER ELSE - NO CHILD should ever have to live with any illness or disorder... and all of them are welcome here!
The reason behind Classy Creationz with a Cause:
SCHDA ~charity and support group
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