Role playing, building (often non-working and dangerous) electrical devices, archaeology, anthropology, history, Iceland, fishing, shooting, cheese making, VW Things, old motorcycles, traveling, airshows, building shitty homemade guitar amps.
Dangerous motorcycle-gang members or Regis Philbin.I've also added Bradford Univ. to my schools list. Just as a note I've never been to Bradford but I did attend one of their summer field schools and I was hoping to find some folks who were working in Shetland with me that year.
I'm not into punk rock because I love music. I'm into punk rock because I fucking hate music.I also like the Dubliners.
12 Monkeys, 13th Warrior, Big Trouble in Little China, The Vikings, Serenity, Dagon.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, Lost.
Watchmen, Three Muskateers, Lord of the Rings, Anything from H.P. Lovecraft, The Sharpe's series by Bernard Cornwell, A Song of Fire and Ice by George R.R. Martin, anything from Ed Greenwood.
You're my hero, homey. Although I like Lewis Binford a lot.