Hello my name is Daniel and I'm the keeper of Bucks. They are friendly quirky little characters, but sometimes bring mischief too populated area's. If you are lucky enough to see one approach it with a jaffa cake it is their biggest weakness.. Myself i am a compulsive doodler and a struggling freelance Illustrator/Artist. If you like my work and would like some work produced? Please feel free to e-mail me. Apart from that i enjoy drinking tea & pear cider, fueled by these magical elixirs i spend most of the day drawing and tinkering away on the computer..
E-Mail me at
[email protected].."http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vbXlzcGFjZS5udWNsZWFyY
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es/banners/banner8831.gif'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top right; border:0px;"
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